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Awesome Music / To the Moon

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These games have a very emotional soundtrack; whether that emotion be something silly and goofy or heart wrenching. And this is where we can gush about our favorite tracks.

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To The Moon

  • Bestest Detectives in the World is a jaunty and somewhat silly sounding track that usually plays when something funny and/or ridiculous is happening. It also serves as a sort of impromptu Leitmotif for Eva and Neil.
  • Uncharted Realms is an almost ominous sounding, yet still somewhat beautiful piece that inspires both caution and beauty in the listener.
  • Having Lived is an incredibly beautiful and moving piece that is also inspirational.
  • Moonwisher is a slower, more melancholy piece that has traces of Everything's Alright in it. It can be somewhat sad to listen to, yet it's still quite beautiful.
  • Born a Stranger, much like Uncharted Realms, has an almost ominous sound to it that's still quite pretty and moving at the same time.
  • Lament of a Stranger is yet another slightly ominous, yet still pretty sounding, piece that almost gives off the impression that two people who were once in love have now drifted apart.
  • The music box tune of Everything's Alright is very pretty, yet also quite sad, especially in the context of the story and the scene it plays in.
  • Moongazer gives off the impression and feeling of the anticipation of something romantic happening, such as a wedding. It also has a perfect slow dance type sound to it.
  • Anya by the Stars also gives off the sound of anticipating something beautiful and romantic.
  • Take Me Anywhere is a lovely tune that gives off the impression of having a good time with someone you love.
  • Warning and its successor, Beta-B, are two incredibly ominous sounding tunes, especially in the case of the former. Whenever they play, you know something serious is about to happen!
  • World's Smallest Ferris Wheel really gives off a feeling of fun and happiness, which perfectly fits the carnival setting it plays in.
  • Once Upon a Memory and its successor, Once Upon a Memory (piano), are both beautiful but in different ways. The former plays during Johnny's and River's REAL first meeting and it has such a lovely sound to it, giving off "the start of something beautiful" vibes. Meanwhile, the latter has a more depressing or bittersweet sound to it, which perfectly fits the moment it plays in which River is moved from Johnny's memories and she is instead replaced with Joey, his long deceased twin brother.
  • Tomorrow conveys a feeling of oncoming triumph, which is perfect for the denouement of the game.
  • Launch meets the buildup to the triumphant moment in which Johnny ends his life with the memories of being with River, Joey, his friends and becoming an astronaut so he can fly to the moon... with his wife by his side.
  • And finally, the game's Award-Bait Song, Everything's Alright. Being the only song with lyrics in the entire game, you can tell that Kan Gao and Laura Shigihara put their all into it! It is simply beautiful and breathtaking, with emotional lyrics that perfectly describe River's perspective of trying to communicate with Johnny, but being unable to properly reach him and make him understand her. All the while, a montage plays of all of Johnny's altered memories... without her. This adds an extra emotional punch to an already bittersweet song.
