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Awesome / The Social Network

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  • Erica's final line to Mark in the opening scene, when she finally has enough of his condescending behavior and dumps him. And later dressing him down for cyberbullying, while simultaneously proving him wrong; she didn't need him to meet fancy people. She got there on her own.
  • The scene in which Mark creates FaceMash, and eventually crashes the entire Harvard network through sheer volume of traffic. The scene itself should also be considered a crowning moment for the filmmakers (and Trent Reznor) for making a scene featuring nothing but people looking at computer screens into one of the most tense, exciting and well-crafted scenes in any film.
  • The scenes where Zuckerberg gets the "Eureka!" Moment for ideas that would eventually become cornerstones of Facebook's success are really cool, especially the one where he chances upon the idea to add a relationship status to the profiles, when Dustin is asking him to help him ask a girl if she is single.
  • Mark's entire "You have part of my attention, you have the minimal amount" rant. Awesome enough to be a little scary. Even the other actors acknowledge on the DVD Commentary that it's pretty chilling.
  • The entire verbal beatdown of the Winklevoss twins by Larry Summers after he hears their problem and that they used their family connections to get the meeting with him in the first place:
    Summers: Let me tell you something, Mr. Winklevoss and... Mr. Winklevoss, since you're on the subject of right or wrong. This action, this meeting, the two of you being here, is wrong. It's not worthy of Harvard. It's not what Harvard saw in you. You don't get special treatment.
  • While Daddy Winklevoss has only a handful of lines, his one big one is pretty indicative that, regardless of how you feel about his sons, he's a pretty awesome dad. Hell, it doubles as a Heartwarming Moment!
    "No, don't apologize to me after losing a race like that. Don't ever apologize to ANYONE after losing a race like THAT."
  • Eduardo's scene at the Facebook offices - from smashing the computer to almost punching Sean, who flinches in cowardice even when not actually hit. He's just found out that the business deal with Peter Thiel slashed his ownership share to 0.03% while all the other executives, including Mark and Sean, got to keep theirs, and now he's on the goddamned warpath.
    (Eduardo storms out of a conference room, walking briskly towards Mark, who's sitting at a desk with headphones on and using a laptop.)
    Eduardo: Mark! MARK!
    Sean: He's wired in.
    Eduardo: Sorry?
    Sean: He's wired in.
    Eduardo: Is he?
    (Eduardo grabs Mark's laptop, lifting it up before smashing it back down on the desk, destroying it. Mark turns to face him, taken by surprise.)
    Eduardo: How 'bout now? You still wired in?!
    • When Sean tries to bite back about Eduardo "running around in your ridiculous suits pretending you were running the company," Eduardo delivers this absolutely classic retort (courtesy of Andrew Garfield), and the only F-bomb in the entire film:
    • "And I'll bet what you hated the most was that they identified me as a co-founder of Facebook, which I am. You better lawyer up, asshole! 'Cause I'm not coming back for 30%; I'm coming back for everything!"
    • Just before the security team escorts Eduardo away, Sean tries to spitefully give Eduardo a $19,000 check, drawn from the account that the latter froze. Eduardo moves to punch him, only to relent at the last split-second...but Sean flinches anyway like a coward.
      Eduardo: I like standing next to you, Sean. It makes me look so tough.
  • Marilyn, during the final scene explaining to Mark why he'll need to settle, when she asks him one very simple Armor-Piercing Question that was bound to come up in any potential trial, pointing out how quickly Mark will lose any sympathy from any jury waiting out there. Even describing herself as having "only twenty months" of experience, she's smart and savvy enough to know not only how the law works but how people work.
    Marilyn: I could get a jury to believe you planted that story about Eduardo and the chicken. Watch what else: "Why weren't you at Sean's sorority party that night?"
    Mark: You think I'm the one that called the police...?
    Marilyn: Doesn't matter. I asked a question, now everybody's thinking about it. You've lost your jury in the first 10 minutes.
  • Marilyn ripping apart Zuckerberg's facade with one final line:
    Marilyn: You're not an asshole, Mark. You're just trying so hard to be.
  • For an acting moment of awesome, Armie Hammer plays the small differences in Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss sublimely well, to the point that many viewers didn't realize it was one person playing both of them.
