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Awesome / The Pumaman

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  • When Vadinho has been captured and is getting his ass kicked by Kobras's goons (meant to be bait for a trap), Tony rescues him by taking on an entire group of thugs at once. It doesn't look any less ridiculous than any other time Tony uses his powers in the film, but it still counts. He even rips off the roof of the car like it's (as Mike Nelson says,) 'contact paper' and basically traps/crushes the guys inside.
  • Earlier, Puma Man manages to outwit a bunch of goons during another fight scene, grabbing a goon to interrogate him in mid-air.
    • He later teleports to his friend Martin's mini-firetruck and grabs Martin's tracking device to track Jane's car (thus finding Kobras' mansion, which the thugs and Jane were mind-contolled into being unable to tell him, even if they wanted to).
  • Tony Farms as Tony Farms was a decent butt-kicker. Watch the fight scene when Tony's smooching with Jane at the embassy. He easily beats up 5 mooks and is then able to sneak through a crowded room with his nightvision after Vadinho kills the power to the building.
  • Even so, many audience members cheered when Vadinho one-hit KOs Tony late in the movie!
    Servo: Yes! The Aztec speaks for all of us!
