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Awesome / The Life and Times of Juniper Lee

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  • In "Oh Brother, What Art Thou?", Ray Ray actually transforms into a Tyrannosaurus rex.
  • In "Enter Sandman", Juniper and her siblings perform "I Sing The Body Electric" at the school talent show. They were a huge hit.
  • In "Citizen June," there were new school presidential elections in which Jody ran against the previous president, school popularity-hound Melissa O'Malley. After some prodding, Jody eventually got June to run for president in her stead. Since June wasn't present during her speech, Ophelia decided to get on stage instead of her. There, she delivered a mind-blowing speech about how horrendous the previous president is/was. The best part is that, in the end, Ophelia ended up getting the majority of the votes, despite not even running.
  • When Ray Ray spends a day as Te Xuan Ze in an alternate timeline where Juniper doesn't exist, it's still awesome. Dennis is the ascended fanboy, Ray Ray's good at the job, and even Monroe acknowledges him! He decides, though, that it's not quite as awesome without June anywhere. So against all common sense, he goes for a rescue. Cue some badass detective work, catching the bad guy, and going against some demonic Time Wraiths alone. And then, the final fight with both June and Ray Ray kicking Time Wraith butt. The entire episode is full of awesome moments.
  • "Out of the Past" is this series growing two more metric tons of beard. There's a serious threat with the Sealed Evil in a Can ancestor, then a Curb-Stomp Battle (from the villain too) and added Glowing Eyes to boot.
  • It's small, but Lila growling at Jody's older sister Rachel in "Make Me Up Before You Go-Go" when the teen gets up in the young Sasquatch's face shows that despite her general timidity, Lila refuses to be intimidated.
