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Awesome / The Glass Scientists

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  • Dr. Jekyll's entrance. He just drives up in his sparkly carriage in the middle of a heated mob, gets out and starts chatting up the cops while they are in the middle of an arrest like this is normal. And gets away with it. Everyone, including Jasper, who desperately needs the help, is utterly bamboozled.
  • The transformation sequences. Whether for the resident werewolf, or Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, they are stunning.
  • The plethora of mad science experiments and inventions on display in the Society of Arcane Science invokes Awesome by design.
  • The Lodgers fighting Moreau's monsters. Even the lab animals and church grim Zosi join in.
  • Hyde getting a dressing down from his idol similar to the one Jekyll got from Frankenstein, only this one being less nasty and there is no doubt he needed a good tongue lashing, Lucy telling him to his face, after laughing in it, that she is nothing like him, she worked with others happily, to bring other women up, giving them jobs and care for their children, she works for the benefit of her crew, not just being a selfish brat like Hyde is, funnily enough being closer to Jekyll who also works to try and help others, well Hyde is closer to Frankenstein, doing things on a whim and screaming at others when things don't go their way.
  • The severance of Jekyll and Hyde's trust. Each half has his own uniquely toxic reasoning (and cool This Means War! speeches) for taking full autonomy of their body.
    Hyde: Oh, I'll drink the formula, once I've had my fun. I'll let you sleep and eat—All the boring things we need to survive. But the second I feel like going out again, I'll torture you with my nightmare monsters until you give in! Of course, I doubt I'll have to torture you for too long. You'll soon learn that it's much easier to just surrender; to sink into that deep quiet place in our mind until it's all over!
    Jekyll, later in the night: You never controlled [the nightmare monsters], you stupid child. You just gave them a gentle nudge out the door. Still, this little rebellion of yours wasn’t a complete waste. I thought I could contain you, bargain with you, but only a fool bargains with the devil. I now see that two weeks was too lenient of a sentence for you. After tonight, you will never see the light of day again.
