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Awesome / Superman: Up, Up and Away!

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  • Clark didn't just do nothing in his year off. He also took time to write articles condemning Lex Luthor, which would prove instrumental in the court of public opinion.
  • Superman didn't leave his city undefended in his time off. When a new Kryptonite Man arises, Supergirl charges in to stop him. Even though just punching him hurts her.
    • Clark even comments while watching that Kara's really been learning. Minimizing damage and potential for civilian harm, working to create a lead space to hold him temporarily.
  • The Prankster's attack almost comes off a bit like Mr. Mxyzptlk light, with him bringing walk signs to become giants or creating popcorn storms. He even turns his "bubble" into an itching powder trap for the league attacking him.
    • The best part? It was all a ploy by Luthor to distract the heroes while he breaks out The Kryptonite Man.
  • Superman's first returning threat isn't exactly a power one. A girl named Puzzler. But the problem is that he can't really cause her pain, and she can split herself apart as a spamming attack. So, in a play of creativity, he uses his cape and a trash can as a way to contain all the parts.
  • Superman uses a tornado attack to knock out Riot.
  • Superman decides to use a bit of science to fight a mad scientist. Namely, he uses his heat vision to fight and boil a giant bacterium.
