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Awesome / 17 Again (2009)

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  • While also hilarious, the recently transformed Mike and Ned's "battle" after Ned mistook Mike for a burglar.
  • Mike gives a pretty good "The Reason You Suck" Speech to Stan when they first meet, utterly annihilating him in front of the entire lunchroom.
    Mike: You don't talk to him that way.
    Stan: Yeah? (Slams basketball on table) What are you gonna do?
    Mike: What am I gonna do? First, I'm gonna call your father.
    Stan: Heads up! (Throws basketball at Mike but he catches it) Give me my ball back, bitch!
    Mike: You know Stan, I feel sorry for you.
    Stan: You don't know me.
    Mike: Oh, but I do, all too well. You're the man. Captain of the basketball team, dates the pretty girls, high school is your kingdom. But people, Stan's a bully. And why? It would be way too easy to say that Stan preys on the weak simply because he's a dick! No, no, no, Stan here is much more complex than that. See, according to leading psychiatrists, Stan's a bully for one of three reasons. One: underneath all that male bravado, there's an insecure little girl banging on the closest door trying to get out. Two: like a caveman, Stan's brain is underdeveloped. Therefore Stan is unable to use self control, and so he acts out aggressively. And the third reason: Stan has a small wiener. Don't hurt yourself, big boy. (Tosses basketball back to Stan)
    • While not as successful, Mike going full Papa Wolf on Stan after his attempt at advocating for abstinence during health class goes south. While he apparently lost the ensuing fight, he at least made Stan pay for the "victory".
