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Film / Haunted Honeymoon

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They must've seen the box office take.
A 1986 American comedy horror directed by Gene Wilder that follows two voice actors (Wilder, Gilda Radner) who are about to get get married where the man needs a shrink to help him get over his fits of fear and has to be at a scary family castle.

The movie also stars Dom De Luise, Jonathan Pryce, Eve Ferret, Bryan Pringle, Paul L. Smith, and Peter Vaughn.

It was released on July 25, 1986.

Tropes for the film:

  • Alliterative Title: Haunted Honeymoon.
  • Creepy Housekeeper: Rachel the housekeeper - the film satirizes many of the Haunted House tropes, this one being no exception. She is also, as is often true, married to the film's Crusty Caretaker, Pfister.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Larry and Vickie are not on their honeymoon. In fact, they're not even married yet.
  • Priceless Ming Vase: The priceless vase appears a few times early on. In the climactic fight the villain tries to hit Larry with the vase, but gets shot by the vase owner, Aunt Kate, and falls, breaking it.
    Aunt Kate: That vase cost me $5000. There are only five like it in the world.
    Pfister: [unflinching] Four.
  • Tongue-Tied: Larry is a Radio Drama Voice Actor. in one scene from a live Show Within a Show broadcast, he's subjected to a "werewolf test" based on such monsters' supposed inability to pronounce words beginning with W. As his character's character is a werewolf, Wilder gets to stammer an increasingly-prolonged series of "woo-woo" sounds whenever goaded to say "wool", "would", or "Wolverton Manor".
  • Wall Crawl: A Creepy figure with a deformed face appears directly above Larry's bed, walking on the wall above the headboard.
