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Awesome / Star

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  • The ending of "Broken Parts MvM", where STAR_ sticky jumps across half the map to kill the one Scoutbot that escaped with the bomb all the way at the end of the map.
  • Basically-Scarlet Blade is one of his most popular videos simply because of the unholy smackdown he gives the game for its blatant sexism and objectification of women, without ever coming across as boring or pretentious.
    STAR_: I am not exaggerating, at all, when I say that Scarlet Blade is the worst game I have ever played. The worst game I am aware of in existence, and I know some people are gonna bring up like the classic "oh Superman 64 was such a terrible game." That's because mechanically, it was broken. The whole thing just didn't work. This game works, but the game working is a persistent world where you objectify women. I would rather be glitching all over the place and falling through floors if that meant I didn't have to witness any more of this game."
  • The final battle of "STAR_ vs Yogscast, part 2", where STAR_'s entire team is dead, so it's just him against another Soldier with two Medics. And "The Art of War" starts playing. STAR_ loses.
    • In the previous match, "STAR vs Nilesy", At the last round, STAR_ is being followed by Ridgedog, who is a Medic. STAR_ is a sniper. Cue this conversation. (Also counts as a Crowning Moment of Funny)
    Ridgedog: Wait, why am I following you if you're a Sniper?
    STAR_: 'Cause I'm still gonna win. *Quickscopes an enemy Sniper*
    Ridgedog: Oh Jesus Christ, that was incredible.
    *STAR_ headshots a far-away enemy Medic*
    Ridgedog: *while on the verge of laughing* Oh my God, this is awesome! He's a ringer!
    *STAR_ proceeds to beat down an enemy Demo with a ham*
    • The seventh match of STAR_ vs Cpt.Sparklez, where STAR_ is a Demoman corralled in a small room with only 2 health left... and manages to kill three enemy players one at a time by luring them up to the room and blasting them with stickies.
    STAR_: This is my room. I wanna put what posters I want here!
    • The final round of that match is also awesome, as they manage to overpower Team Cpt.Sparklez entirely, without a single teammate dead.
      • To Clarify: At this point, the score is 6:6, meaning the winner of the next match goes to the finals. The team formation is thus: STAR_ as a Direct Hit Soldier, Trottimus as Heavy, and the rest as medics. STAR_, realizing how much the enemy Kritzkreig's faster charge time contributed to his teams losses time and again, decides to spend some time in spawn to build up his medic's ubercharge at an accelerated pace by damaging himself with his rockets. Eventually, they move out to circle around the cliffs. After a brief skirmish with an enemy soldier, in which no one died, Team STAR_ retreats to advance on the capture point from the far side. Which turns out to be a really good idea, since just as they finished retreating, one of the enemy heavies (Jerma?) drops in directly behind them, not noticing them since he was turned in the other direction. This allows Team STAR_ to finish building their Uber. They advance onto the point, STAR_ and his medic Ridgedog going one way, and the other three going the other direction. The Uber is popped on STAR_ while the opposing team tries to retaliate with their Kritzkreig, but fail to do anything significant with it. They quickly lose their pyro to the Direct Hit, while the soldier falls to some well placed shotgun blasts. Meanwhile, Trott and his two medics are walking up from the other direction, pushing their enemy towards STAR_ through the hallways. The result is the remaining members of Team Captain Sparkles being caught in a pincer maneuver, trapped between Trott and STAR_ in one of the narrow hallways, where they are promptly obliterated.
    • The final match of the Mixup, "STAR_ vs Yogscast," which is a rematch between the only team that beat Team STAR_, with Robin Walker, a designer of TF2, heading said team. Team STAR_ wins 7 to 2, and the only reason they lost those two rounds was because Walker broke out the hax.
      • The best part of the entire match was the ending of round 6. STAR_ is the last man standing as a Sniper, with 3 people on the other team as a Heavy (Honeydew), a Demoman (Robin), and a Medic (Sjin). At 100 HP, STAR_ wisely decides to stay out of action and tries to lure the enemies out of the warehouse they're holding up in. The Demoman comes out of nowhere, and brings out his Frying Pan, while STAR_, in turn, brings out his Ham Shank, and the two wage in a melee battle. The Demo brings STAR_ down to 35 HP, while the Medic joins the Demo and starts healing him. STAR_ lands a couple of lucky hits and brings down the Demo, so the Medic decides to retreat. STAR_, however, brings out his rifle and quick scopes the Medic, while taking a couple hits from the Heavy on the balcony of the warehouse. STAR_ tries to snipe the Heavy, but he retreats to the warehouse before STAR_ can take the shot. STAR_ then scopes his rifle, charging the shot, and then headshots the Heavy who he correctly predicted would be coming down the ramp of the warehouse. All while his teammates are cheering him on.
      • "We should just rush him, he can't shoot us all, right?" - Sjin of Team Yogscast right before the above happened.
    • What makes the Mixup even more of an crowning moment of awesome for STAR_ is that 3 members of his team had NEVER played TF2 before.
  • "Full Speed Distraction", where STAR_, using the pre-buff Baby Face's Blaster, gets 20 kills on Defense and 17 kills and two Dominations on offense, both in one life. And then a Mini-Sentry killed him... It's even the first result on YouTube if one searches "tf2 scout".
  • I Main Demoknight 6v6. True, he's shown quite a bit of competence with demoknights before, but it never ceases to be impressive how he can enter this kind of competitive environment with a borderline Joke Character and turn him into a reliable medic-killer who can't be stopped before the damage is done.
  • TF2: Sock'em Bopper Hevies: With only forty seconds left to cap the first point, STAR_ and Jerma rush the RED team from behind as BLU KGB Heavies... and together punch out the entire enemy team in a couple of seconds. Even they were surprised that succeeded.
    STAR_: That had no business working.
    Jerma: How did we single-handedly do that?
    • Later on he and Jerma, now as a RED KGB Heavy and RED Uber Medic respectively, get to the enemy teleporters and use the constantly warping in BLUs to receive infinite fist crits. They take out eight BLUs right out of the teles via KGB crits and could have gotten more if it weren't for the Mini-Sentry nearby.
  • On March 17 2014, STAR_ posted a video showing that Demoknight turning is based on framerate, making it massively overpowered to those with good computers. Valve must have seen the video because on April 1st 2014, the bug was fixed.
  • "TF2: Taunt Kill Bullies", where STAR_ and Tagg go on an epic Uberchaining spree against Too Dumb to Live Heavies. They end up gaining 44 kills and 12 Dominations, stomping the entire enemy team for six minutes all by themselves.
    • Special mention must also be given to the enemy Huntsman Sniper who very nearly cuts their Uberchain short by stunning Tagg with the Huntsman's taunt. Said Sniper is later the only member of their team with the sanity to go Pyro and airblast their streak to its end.
  • "21 vs. 2". STAR_ and Jerma arm themselves with outrageously overpowered weapons and Scream Fortress spells, and attempt to prevent 21 other players from winning on offense on pl_upward. The premise by itself is awesome, and it creates one of the most insane sessions of Team Fortress 2 ever recorded. The best part is that it's a Curb-Stomp Battle in the 21's favor. Even when the teams switch and Jerma and STAR_ are on offense, The Stinger clearly shows that the 21 other players are winning until STAR_ goes rage mode and turns himself into a Physical God with the Valve Rocket Launcher. Even then a Spy still nails him.
  • During his February 15 Overwatch stream, he runs into a King of the Hill game where the enemy team is largely comprised of tanks, and switches to Reaper in response to what is, in his eyes, a futile attempt to win due to his own team's refusal to swap to heroes that can beat the tanks. Over the course of a grueling 3 rounds, STAR_ winds up carrying the team to victory, launching team-wiping Death Blossoms left and right, and ends the game with over 50 eliminations and an astronomical 25000 damage dealt.
  • "Pharah Wants to Push It": After his team screws up the last push and leaves the payload only a fraction away from victory for six minutes, STAR_ manages to build up an ultimate and blast every enemy player off the cart so he can push it the very last inch.
  • "Zenyatta Eats Tanks": With the help of a shield from Symmetra, STAR_ turns an ordinarily weak healer character into a lethal damage sponge who headshots tanks characters to death and can take massive amounts of firepower. It gets to the point that it takes three ultimates to bring him down, first being a ridiculously persistent Winston Primal Raging and solely targeting STAR_, followed by an enemy Mercy reviving a Roadhog, who then activates Whole Hog and finishes STAR_ off.
