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Awesome / Otherside Picnic

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  • Sorawo risks going utterly insane to learn how to defeat the Kunekune. And as a bonus, she gains a Magic Eye that allows her to see the true forms of the various creatures they meet in Otherside.
  • Toriko didn't go unprepared into the Otherside, even if she didn't exactly have a proper plan of action. She brought a firearm with her, showing fully well that she was both versed with it and comfortable using it. She also brought rock salt, since she'd heard it was useful against supernatural beings.
  • At the end of Volume 1, Sorawo is able to fight her fears and go into the Otherside without Toriko at night (which she had been specifically told was dangerous), all to save Toriko from an apparition abusing her affection for Satsuki. The climax is especially memorable:
    So, big-ass windmill woman, what do you think is the biggest lesson I've learned in all my experiences so far? It's this: if I look through my right eye when I shoot, no matter how far beyond my ability to understand some entity is, the bullets will do their job.
  • Akari, an ordinary girl who lacks both experience with firearms and otherworldly abilities like Toriko and Sorawo, is not only able to save Sorawo from a sudden attack from a Ninja Cat but is able to fight one of them to a standstill!
  • In "Sannuki-san and Karateka" the girls are in a jam when Sannuki-san appears in Natsumi's backyard. Sorawo and Toriko can't use their firearms in a residential area (one that also happens to be under increased police surveillance), so it's up to Akari to fight her. Akari was already a fairly handy fighter on her own right, but with the influence of Sorawo's eye? She goes completely berserk and beats Sannuki-san to a bloody pulp all the while sporting a Slasher Smile.
  • When the Kankandara proves to be Immune to Bullets, even with Sorawo's Magic Eye, Toriko engages in Car Fu with am armored vehicle.
    • Sorawo's response, when she realizes that the Kankandara is trying to stare her down to disrupt her True Sight, she doesn't get scared, she gets pissed.
    • With Sorawo and Toriko's help, the U.S. Marines escape the Otherside without any further casualties.
  • When Toriko freezes up when confronting the delinquents at the beach in Otherside, Sorawo doesn't hesitate to blow them away, because, as she says, morally and emotionally she's fine with killing someone who would otherwise kill either of them. Plus, they weren't actually human.
  • At the end of vol. 2, Satsuki, or something in her shape, nearly kills Toriko. Sorawo uses her Magic Eye to save Toriko, saving her friend in a huge wave of Ship Tease.
  • In Vol. 3, Toriko witnesses Kozakura and Sorawo get abducted. Figuring it had something to do with DS Labs, Toriko calls Migawa, who sets up for people going to Kozakura's place to try and abduct Toriko as well. Migawa then engages in a bit of Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique, and finds out where the cult is. Toriko and Migawa arrive just in time for Toriko to shoot someone before they were about to shoot Sorawo in the head. She's shaken about having to shoot a human being, but not exactly remorseful, since they were going to kill Sorawo.
  • Sorawo tackles Toriko to get her away from Satsuki Uruma, or something that looks like Satsuki. (Kozakura says it's not the Satsuki she knows).
  • Toriko takes an axe to "The Red Person" when she finds Sorawo, under the "Red Person's" influence, trying to immolate herself with kerosene.
