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Awesome / Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

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"This might be the greatest game ever made."

Can we just say this whole game is a CMOA? No? Alright, let's get into details.

  • The Zandatsu move. Having Raiden, Sam or Blade Wolf slice an enemy in half (or more) and rip out their repair unit before crushing it in their hand (or in Blade Wolf's case, his manipulator tail) never gets old.
  • The entire Metal Gear RAY Boss fight. It involves Raiden blocking RAY's BFS, throwing the RAY into the air, jumping onto it, running up said BFS, cutting it to pieces, and finally chopping RAY's entire arm off. Twice. The second time involves Raiden using RAY's salvo of missiles as Stepping Stones in the Sky.
    • The ending of this fight deserves a mention as well. RAY, still not finished, grabs Raiden in its "mouth" and hurls him into the side of a nearby clock-tower - so what does Raiden do? Simple: He takes off like a bullet, running down the collapsing building as missiles and plasma beams rain all over the place, culminating in him grabbing his blade that was already stuck in the Metal Gear's head from the previous clash, then sliding all the way back to the ground and stylishly sheathing his blade just as the UG splits in two and explodes behind him. And this all happens as the first boss, which takes place five minutes into the game.
    • It's very easy to forget, but Raiden only gets his new state of the art cyborg armour after this; the body he was using at the time was specifically designed for "bodyguard work and missions that don't involve serious combat", which is what he was expecting of his then current assignment as a bodyguard for N'Mani. In other words, he was handicapped during the entire prologue mission, boss fights included!
  • Funny as well, but Senator Armstrong's beatdown of Raiden. You wouldn't think a Senator could kick Raiden's ass, and yet he does. It takes Sam's sword to even the odds.
    • During the fight, he states that he played football in college (University of Texas, no less) and could've been a professional football player if he didn't join the Navy. He also is no Beltway pansy and can break the President in two, with his bare hands, no less.
    • Armstrong snapping Raiden's blade in two with one hand.
    • In general, Armstrong becomes a walking CMOA when he activates his nanomachines (Son!), becoming a near-unstoppable Lightning Bruiser who manages to give Raiden trouble.
    • Don't fuck with THIS senator!
    • These two little gems from Raiden:
      "I was wrong... You're not greedy... You're bat-shit insane!"
      "If America has gone to shit, you're just another maggot crawling in the pile!"
      • There's also this exchange:
        Raiden: What do you know about the weak? You weren't born poor. You've never been hungry! You don't know what it's like to fight and steal and kill just to survive!
        Armstrong: But you did survive! Through sheer force of will, following your own set of rules. With your own two hands, you took back your life!
        Raiden: And now, I'll take yours.
    • Armstrong proving how strong his nanomachines (son!) are by blowing up Metal Gear EXCELSUS with a single, superpowerful punch as he finishes his No-Holds-Barred Beatdown on Raiden. The line he shouts as he charges his punch adds even more awesomeness to the scene while being equally hilarious at the same time.
      Armstrong: Die, you PIECE OF SHIT!
    • While he does die and gets his plan ruined, Armstrong does earn himself a victory by passing his beliefs onto Raiden. In the Post-Credits Scene, this is made evident by Raiden repeating Armstrong's words about people "fighting for reasons they don't understand, causes they don't believe in", and declaring that from that point on, he would fight his own wars.
  • Each of the boss fights. Let's examine:
    • The cutscene leading into the fight with Blade Wolf seems tailor-made to pack in as many awesome moments as the developers could think of. It only gets better when the spaghetti Western showdown music shifts flawlessly to heavy metal and the player is thrown into the thick of it against the toughest and most agile foe they've fought yet.
    • Against Mistral, Raiden demolishes half an oil refinery before backing her up against a tank of liquid nitrogen. He then slices the container open, freezes her, and slashes her to dozens of pieces before shattering her completely.
      • For the fight's duration, Mistral possesses a dozen extra robot arms and wields a weapon, made of still more robot arms, that functions as either a double-ended spear or a whip at the flip of a coin. Raiden, not to be outdone, can press his assault so viciously that he is able to chop both the polearm and Mistral's extra arms into bits, causing Mistral to retreat in order to rebuild her faculties right then and there.
      • Most of the game's bosses have choreographed music that will shift from an instrumental track to a voiced one at pivotal moments, and this fight is one of them. The final phase of the battle takes place in a large, open area at the center of an oil refinery, which is now on fire thanks to the rowdiness of the events beforehand. The lyrics kick in right as Mistral, who has waited for Raiden amidst the flames, decides she's not messing around anymore:
        Mistral: THIS ENDS NOW! *cracks whip* note 
    • After being driven nearly insane by the thoughts, fears and regrets of the cyborgs he's fighting, Raiden reverts to his repressed Jack the Ripper persona, and butchers every last enemy in his sight. This alone is enough to give pause to Monsoon, an unrepentant murderer.
      • As part of this, Raiden has his pain inhibitors disabled, allowing him to feel a stab wound in the chest. Raiden leaves his pain inhibitors off for the rest of the game, and giving in to his Combat Sadomasochist nature makes him a deadlier fighter.
      • The argument that triggers "Jack the Ripper". It can be paraphrased as follows:
        Monsoon: You're no different from us. You love to kill the weak.
        Raiden: You know what? I do. I love to kill the weak. And there's nothing weaker than those who hurt people who can't fight back!
    • During the boss fight itself, Monsoon throws a whole armored and helicopter division directly at Raiden, who cuts them all out of the sky without moving an inch. Not good enough? He also creates two huge, spinning orbs of debris that Raiden can parry and chop to bits in Blade Mode. By the time Monsoon attempts to use a Washington Monument-esque structure as a combination drill/missile, Raiden simply uses it as a platform to launch himself at Monsoon to finish him in the most brutal way possible.
      • Like the previous Mistral boss fight, the lyrics kick in right after Monsoon lands on the ground, in his magnetized form, after Raiden cuts the debris boulder to pieces.
      • Depending on how aggressive you are during the fight, Monsoon will either resign himself to his fate, or shout for Raiden to stop. Raiden in full-on Jack the Ripper mode is so terrifying that he can make a dead-set nihilist who previously didn't care for his own life beg to be spared. Even moreso, Raiden manages a one-liner as he fakes out Monsoon to smash him into a wall to get him to hold still.
        Monsoon: You're dead!
        Jack: DEAD ON!
      • When his magnetic powers are active, Monsoon avoids taking damage from Raiden altogether by manually shifting his body parts out of the way of Raiden's individual sword slashes - a feat he can perform with such skill that he is able to continue attacking without interruption, as though his body were incorporeal. Not to mention when he attacks by propelling a stream of body parts at Raiden like machine gun fire, or by separating his legs from his torso so that both halves of his body can attack Raiden in tandem. In a game full of amazing visual moments, this really stands out.
      • Just before the fight, Monsoon is very casual and dismissive of Raiden. Then Jack comes out to play, and Monsoon immediately drops the mocking tone and practically screams at everyone to kill Jack before he can get a hit off.
    • Sundowner's boss fight is a battle in the middle of a rainstorm, on top of World Marshal's helipad, with Sundowner being equipped with explosive reactive shields, and assisted with a couple of unmanned helicopters.
      • As with the two previous boss fights, the lyrics kicks in after Raiden successfully dismantle Sundowner's explosive shields, prompting him to form his Bloodlust scissor-blade with his machetes.
        Sundowner: I'LL SPLIT YOU IN TWO!
      • After being thrown off a building by Sundowner, Raiden hijacks a Slider UAV and flies it straight up the interior of World Marshall HQ, blasting it to rubble with missiles before throwing said Slider at Sundowner and issuing a recall on all his internal organs. Considering how much of a Smug Snake he was acting beforehand such as killing N'Mani and being perfectly willing to create Cyborg Child Soldiers, this can result in a pure Catharsis Factor for Raiden and the player.
    • After a prolonged samurai duel with Sam, Raiden defeats his rival with a single thrust. This reveals that aside from his enhanced draw arm and gunblade, Sam had almost no cybernetic enhancements whatsoever.
      • Partway through the fight, Raiden disarms him by slashing his sword out of his hands, already an awesome moment. So does Sam scramble to retrieve his sword? Nope. He just does a 'come-at-me-bro' pose and proceeds to fight the deadliest cyborg in the world bare-handed. While only having a cybernetic arm and a powered suit. In fact, he usually actually gets more dangerous after you disarm him!
        Sam: Show me a good time, Jack!
      • Like the previous bosses, the lyrics kick back in after Sam retrieves his sword back, after receiving a nasty gash on his torso.
        Sam: Now THIS is a fight!
      • By using the perfect parry mechanic of Revengeance difficulty (which lets you deal what is essentially a One-Hit Kill if you perfect parry a hit and then land the counterattack) Sam on Revengeance becomes a borderline Single-Stroke Battle; both of you will be able to end the fight in 1-2 attacks.
    • Metal Gear EXCELSUS is an impossibly huge mech which makes Metal Gear RAY and REX look tiny in comparison. It's shaped like a giant ant, and its two forelegs are superheated blades about as long as a football field. Raiden can parry its attacks.
      • How do you defeat Metal Gear Excelsus? By ripping off one of its three-story-tall Blade Arms and using it to hack apart the main body, in BLADE MODE - and that's after you throw Excelsus bodily through the air a few times and use the detached Blade Arm to engage the machine in an obscenely oversized sword fight.
        Max0r: Every other game is now worse because they don't have this.
    • How hardcore is Raiden? Well, when he finally defeated Senator Armstrong, he did it by ripping out and crushing the Senator's still beating heart in his hand.
  • Blade Wolf is not having any of Raiden's Logic Bomb.
    LQ-84i: I possess an intellect far beyond human reckoning.
    Raiden: You don't say. Okay, then. What's the meaning of life? Why are we here?
    LQ-84i: [throws heat knives] I am here to kill you.
  • Sam's meeting with the LQ-84i in his DLC has the awesomeness on his end, which is kicked off by Sam seeing through the UG's stealth camo and dodging its HF chainsaw by using unenhanced human eyesight. Even Raiden, with his enhanced senses, still had the chainsaw scratching his chin.
    LQ-84i: State your business here.
    Sam: Me? ...Oh, just sharpening my skills. Wandering the earth, dispensing justice. But only to those to deserve it... such as... Outlaws. Desperados.
    LQ-84i: You refer to World Marshal.
    Sam: The ones holding your leash, right?
    LQ-84i: The ones who issue my orders.
    Sam: [amused] And... your orders are to kill me?
    LQ-84i: Yes.
    Sam: [walks toward the LQ-84i] Call me biased, but those seem like pretty dumb orders, pup. [he sheaths his sword and dismissively walks past the UG] Why don't you try thinking for yourself?
    [after Sam wins the fight]
    LQ-84i: How... How did you...
    Sam: [catching his breath] You fight because you're forced to. I fight... because I choose to.
    LQ-84i: My design... is flawed...
    Sam: Now, now... I am quite good, you know.
  • Later in the game, Raiden and Blade Wolf come across other robot dogs that look similar to him. Blade Wolf mocks them as inferior models to himself by saying this:
    Blade Wolf: The stock LQ-84 Fenrir. Unable to speak. A real dog has far greater intellect.
  • How about George's response to being held at gunpoint? As a scientist forces Raiden into a Sadistic Choice, George or the surviving kids now being poisoned with chloroform, he grabs at his assailant's gun to buy some precious seconds, and demands that Raiden kill the scientist holding it, even if it means going through him to do it.
    • Raiden also deserves props for managing to get George's body put into cold storage quickly enough to save his life, too.
  • Raiden's sword is a tool of justice... but this isn't Raiden's sword.
    • Even better for those who know of Japanese swordplay, the way Raiden treats Sam's katana after their fight. It is a rule in Japanese swordplay and fights especially that one must draw blood from the sword by way of a swing and sheathe the blade seamlessly after using the sword. This is called "chiburi and noto", and is one way of showing one's respect to a sword, which is thought to be part of a swordsman's soul.
  • Jetstream Sam's sword sheath earns a special mention in that it's a gun that fires his sword outwards, allowing him to perform impossibly fast draws.
  • Crossing over with funny, an honorable mention goes to the souvenir shop owner that not only decided to do business with a heavily-armored cyborg with barely any human features in the middle of Mexico with a robot dog and an auto-piloted car, but also had the balls to spring a tourist trap on him and get away with it.
  • Ultimately where Raiden ends up at the end of the game speaks highly of how far his character has come. Where before he was manipulated by powerful organizations and people above him, Raiden is now powerful enough to fight back and stop these conspiracies in their place. Raiden is able to single handily fight a one man war against an entire PMC, and all of its resources could do nothing to stop him. Raiden becomes top dog in full control of his destiny because no force on Earth was capable of stopping him, in severe contrast to the puppet that the Patriots made him out to be back in Metal Gear Solid 2.
    • Made even more awesome by the timing. MGS2 was released in 2001. Rising was released in 2013. It's taken a little bit over ten years, but Raiden has come full circle. Our little pretty boy is all grown up.
  • Jetstream Sam picked a fight with one of the largest private military companies in America, because they were the bad guys.
    • And before that, a Codec conversation with Kevin reveals that he crossed paths with several Central and Southern American mafias, culminating in them sending ten hitmen with assault gear against him; he won without a scratch with only his sword. Raiden comments that it's not that impressive with cyborg augmentations... Then Kevin adds this happened around 2005, way before cyborg technology became mainstream or even perfected (the only "working" cyborg in this year was Gray Fox). Cue a very shocked Raiden.
  • Sam fighting Armstrong in his DLC episode. It's impressive enough that Raiden, a full state-of-the-art cyborg, can go toe-to-toe with him, but a normal human in a power suit? This is topped off with Sam clashing with him in the post-fight cutscene to figure out the timing of his nanomachine-hardening, culminating in Sam cutting off Armstrong's arm with an explosive quickdraw. Rest assured that Armstrong proceeding to return the favor does nothing to diminish this. It should be noted that the fight itself is much harder than it is in the main game. Take a look.
  • Raiden cutting a stealth fighter in half while riding on top of another stealth fighter.
  • Blade Wolf's Big Damn Heroes moment. He comes to Raiden's aid by passing him a message from Sam along with Sam's Murasama blade to replace the sword Armstrong broke in two. When Armstrong threatens to kill him and Raiden, Wolf has this to say:
    Armstrong: So. You think that little sword can save your master? Haha, well, go ahead then. But make no mistake, Fido. When I'm finished with him, you're next!
    Blade Wolf: I was not designed to fear termination.
    • Here, Blade Wolf is saying that the act of helping Raiden (and therefore opening himself up to attack by Armstrong) would run counter to his directive of data preservation, which gives Armstrong the fleeting impression that Blade Wolf intends to stay out of the fight. Blade Wolf then continues by saying that he has created his own directives and that he chooses to help Raiden of his own accord. Armstrong gets understandably pissed.
  • Blade Wolf gets another one in his DLC. He cuts a swathe through Desperado's troops in a bid for freedom, and takes down Khamsin, one of the most heavily-armed Winds of Destruction, in the process.
    Khamsin: All this... and beaten by a goddamn mutt.
    Blade Wolf: It is said all dogs have their day.
    • And then Mistral gets one for revealing she planned this from the start just to get him to kill Khamsin, confirm her suspicions about LQ-84i's allegiance, and find a successful means of motivating him on the battlefield.
    • And before that, the bid for freedom begins with him cutting off one of Mistral's arms in order to steal the range inhibitor controller that she was threatening him with the exact moment he realizes he's gotten an opening. The look on her face is priceless.
    • Khamsin himself is nothing to sneeze at in terms of coolness. What at first appears to be a mech suit is in fact basically his lower torso, and the chainsaw-axe he wields is so massive that it has built-in rocket boosters just to give him the strength to wield it. Not to mention the fact that both his boss fight and his song, "The Hot Wind Blowing", are the only boss and song created exclusively for any of the game's DLC.
  • Platinum themselves had one in the form of the game's actually-decent PC port. This is especially so after the total Porting Disasters that were the Dark Souls and Deadly Premonition ports.
  • The intro to the final boss battle is made of win. You really get an impression of how awesome the fight's going to be the moment "It Has To Be This Way" kicks in to start the battle.
    Armstrong: Come on!
    Raiden: Okay. Let's dance!
  • One of the most effortless ways to kill a cyborg is to drop kick them before slowing down time and cutting them into 108 pieces before they can hit the ground.
  • Remember when Raiden cut Metal Gear Ray in half during the first level of the game? Sam does the exact same thing during his DLC. Only, he manages to do it with a single charged swing.
  • Also a funny moment, the Matrix Cat, who can dodge blade-mode sword swings when even state-of-the-art cyborgs and nanomachine-fueled senators can't. One wonders why this thing isn't on World Marshall's payroll.
