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Awesome / Louis Theroux

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  • Louis's verbal smackdown of Westboro Baptist Church spokesman Steve Drain when the church members are protesting at a synagogue during The Most Hated Family in America, not least because it's one of the few instances where Louis actively insults one of his interviewees:
    Steve: The Jews killed Christ! You're going to try to tell me that they worship the same God that I do?
    Louis: Newsflash, brainiac: Christ was Jewish.
  • In the Weird Weekends episode "Rap", Louis goes to a marketing agent to help design his Rap image. Despite giving him very little to work with in the way of gangster tropes (Louis was insistent his rap persona reflect his middle class interests, e.g. red wine and cats), the artist managed to paint Louis as a sort of Blofeld type character while still tying in most of the things he listed. Louis was visibly impressed.
  • His documentaries in general; he doesn't particularly attempt to slant his subjects one way or another, is open and allows his subjects - even those some would consider absolutely contemptuous - to speak, and always leaves the matter open for audience consideration.
