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Awesome / Live Free or Die Hard

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"...I was out of bullets."
  • In the first shootout, one of the mooks jumps down a floor and across an alley, then to the fire escape. Sorry, to the railing of the fire escape, then drops another floor to the next railing, and finally to the ground. John's speeding at him in a car and has to crash through a fence, so the guy scales the fence and ends up face to fence to windshield with John, and pulls his gun, only for John to sideswipe a dumpster to get the fence off the car and slam the guy into the dumpster. The guy gets up and walks it off. Friends, say hello to The Heavy.
  • Lucy gets one when, having been captured by the villain, he puts the radio in front of her to try and convince McClane that he's serious. Instead of playing the Damsel in Distress, she calmly looks the guy in the eye and tells her dad there's only five of the terrorists left.
  • Which follows an equally awesome moment where McClane just told Gabriel that kidnapping his daughter was an act of desperation and she was not at risk.
  • John McClane just had to top his destruction of a helicopter with a tiny handgun and an electric cable in Die Hard with a Vengeance when he killed a helicopter by crashing into it with a car while it was hovering in mid air.
    Matt: "You just killed a helicopter with a car!"
    John: "I was out of bullets."
    • Towards the end, he tops that by taking down an F-35 - using nothing but a highway overpass and a semi-truck trailer.
  • McClane gets kicked out of a window to a fall several stories high by Mai - so what does he do? He finds an SUV near where he landed, hops in, drives through the building, and runs Mai over with it, driving the both of them into an elevator shaft. Welcome back, the John McClane we knew. The cinemas have missed you.
    • That brutal fall was a practical stunt that damn near killed the stuntman, severely injuring him.
    • From here, an extensive fight scene ensues, where both of them are trying to climb back up and knock each other to the bottom of the shaft, while the SUV slides down the shaft as the elevator cables can't hold it up for very long.
    • This is also the point where Matt Farrell begins to Take a Level in Badass, knocking a Mook into the shaft with a pipe while said Mook is busy shooting down at McClane.
  • The Le Parkour employed by Rand in fighting McClane over a Deadly Rotary Fan.
  • After McClane was shot, Lucy attempts to help her father, first by breaking free of Emerson's hold by shooting his foot with his own pistol from his hostler. With his gun dropped, Lucy slides it to John though Gabriel stops it at the last minute. While she fails, she gets points for trying.
  • "On your tombstone it should read: 'Always in the wrong place, at the wrong time.'" "How about: 'Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker'?!" *BLAM*
    • And then Matt shoots Emerson to death.
  • Kudos to the pilot of AV-81 for managing to flip his plane under a collapsing freeway and go face to face with a speeding big-rig, even if he didn't know he'd been duped into taking on John McClane by the Big Bad. And you know what? He survives accidentally taking on the Big Good of the franchise. Not many people can say that.
