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Awesome / Life Is Strange: Before the Storm

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  • Short-lived as it may be, Chloe getting to go through every child's dream of being unfairly treated by school faculty and having a parent there to back her up in calling it out. Choose the right options and when Chloe refers to Wells' remarks as "bullshit", Joyce will outright agree to the man's face without so much as flinching at the language. Even supportive parents on their kids' side usually aren't that forward with it.
  • After Chloe is either expelled/suspended, she decides to break out the marker and graffiti the bathroom. The work is such a sight to behold that it makes you wish Max were there to photograph it.
  • If Chloe manages to nail her Shakespeare performance with literally minutes of prep time, Victoria is so disbelieving that she assumes Chloe and Rachel must have planned this, despite how unlikely that is.
  • Rachel Amber improvising Shakespeare sounding dialogue on stage and making it a love scene with Ariel and Prospera. Props to Chloe for managing to go along with it.
  • Chloe getting the police to come rescue her from Eliot by covertly calling 911 and putting her phone in speaker mode, and then having a conversation with him that sounds to him like she's agreeing with what he's saying but where she actually manages to state where she is and that she needs help. Damn, that was smooth.
  • Frank Bowers gets hurt fighting Damon in Episode 3. While still recovering from a stab wound, he comes back for round two and kills Damon, saving Chloe and Sera.
  • Chloe convincing Sera to come and visit Rachel takes a really long and painful conversation where she opens up emotionally in a way she's been unable to do with anyone else.
