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Awesome / Leviathan

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  • Alek gets a glorious one in Leviathan. His Stormwalker tries to sneak past a German land dreadnought, but is soon set upon by a sqaud of scout walkers, who shoot flares at him, trying to light the Stormwalker up for the Germans. They eventually do get stuck with a flare, and take fire from the dreadnought's cannons. So, with his walker lit up like a Christmas tree, and a bunch of very big cannons poised to blow it to smithereens, what does Alek do? He grabs his father's cavalry sabre, climbs on top of the (moving) walker, and hacks at the flare with the sword, eventually knocking it off. Note that he does all this while the walker is moving at high speeds, and under fire.
  • The opening music on the audiobook version.


  • Alek and Deryn dragging the ORIENT EXPRESS by its arms to take down the Tesla Cannon in Istanbul.
  • Deryn saving Newkirk from a watery death certainly counts. Hell, she gets a medal for it too!
  • Most things with Zavrin in it that aren't a Funny Moment are this. His death is not an exception. The illustration for it even gets a suitably awesome/badass caption: "A Goddess and a Martyr Topple the Tower".


  • Alek killing Nikola Tesla with his own walking stick, after making their way to the top of a tower of death, guarded by men with guns, and a lunatic with a walking stick of mass destruction. Just give Volger some swords, napkins, and a smoke grenade... he'll take care of it.
  • Deryan decides to remove a damaged antenna that takes out the Giant Flying Whale Ecosystem Whatever during a thunderstorm. This puts herself in the middle of a Nightmare Fuel situation, where the person she loves is facing hypothermia, and a concussion, while they are falling to their death. She lands The Big Damn Kiss for a heartwarming capper.
  • Aleksandar Franz Ferdinand shuts down the doomsday weapon that could take out Berlin or the entire American northeast, despite being electrocuted by a weapon that can take down genetically modified war bears. This lets him save both the woman and the ship that he loves.
