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Awesome / LEGO City Undercover

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  • "Special Assignment 5: Dirty Work" ends with Chase driving through the bank's front entrance with the aptly-named "Relocator"; an orange semi-truck with a front-mounted snowplough & an enormous jet engine affixed to its rear bed. The sheer presence that this beast commands on the road is bar none, with its snowplough allowing it to instantly destroy any vehicle the Relocator boosts through.
  • "Special Assignment 8: The Colossal Fossil Hustle" has Chase steal a robotic T-Rex display from a museum. You leave fully expecting another police chase around the city and worse yet, your vehicle has only one heart. Except the T-Rex is completely indestructible and unstoppable, destroying everything in its way. So you basically stomp around, roar, tail-whip, and terrorize pretty much everything and everyone in your path, watching your brick count rise as you destroy every police vehicle that tries to stop you. Epic.
  • The freefalls in Bluebell Mines and Mount Cashmore.
  • The final level, "Special Assignment 15: Fly Me to the Moon. Chase pursues Blackwell into space aboard his own shuttle, sneaking into the moon colony and eventually Blackwell's ship. Piloting a Yellow Megafig (which resembles a LEGO version of the Powerloader from Aliens), he resets the ship's coordinates and launches it for a return trip to Earth, before facing off against Rex Fury, who is piloting the same robotic T-Rex you stole for him, but has now been upgraded with a tough exoskeleton in Rex's Maroon colour motif. After defeating the T-Rex by throwing it into the rocket's energy tanks (destroying them and the T-Rex in the process), Blackwell betrays Rex and abandons him by disconnecting the command module from the main rocket, sending both him and Chase flying onto a rapidly deteriorating piece of the rocket. Chase then has his final showdown with Rex and his astronaut cronies, after which Blackwell destroys the arena where the fight is taking place by flying his escape pod through it. With the Command Module in freefall towards Earth and its occupants (including Natalia) unable to reach the parachutes, Chase then skydives through the remains of Blackwell's rocket as it burns up in Earth's atmosphere in an attempt to catch up with the module before it crashes into the city. All of this is backed up with epic orchestral music and ominous chanting, further made awesome by scenery that truly flexes the graphical prowess of its release platforms. Wow.
