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Awesome / It's Magic, Charlie Brown

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  • When Charlie Brown is rendered invisible and is stuck that way, he realizes a big upside. Namely, he finally gets to kick Lucy's football!. As millions of Charlie Brown fans cheered, the world famous Woobie also gets to rub it in to Lucy as well.
  • When Snoopy finally turns Charlie Brown visible for him to be humiliated with another of Lucy's football pulling pranks, at least Charlie Brown knows that he will have still kicked the ball before when he was invisible thanks to Snoopy's magic. When Lucy scoffs at Snoopy's ability, the insulted beagle casts a levitation spell on her, raises her at least 10 feet off the ground and leaves her there! At that, Charlie Brown and Snoopy dance away to enjoy a most satisfying day while the TV audience cheered on the unambiguously joyous ending.
