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Awesome / Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law

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  • According to The Deadly Duplicator, Harvey managed to date both The Doublemint Twins. Simultaneously. Way to go, Harvey.
  • Mentok one upping Shado the Brain Thief in "Harvey's Civvy". After a showey duel in court, the two go out for drinks. But the next day, Mentok prompts Potamus to ask about Shado about "the thing he sent". In this case, the request for discovery that was sent to Shado. Turns out Mentok used the bar hangout to rifle through Shado's mind and learn he didn't respond. Thus he throws the case against Harvey out and rubs in how badly Shado screwed up.
    Mentok: You know what we call that? MIND TAKING, BABY! Accept no substitutes!
  • The final episode, where Birdman actually gets to be a hero.
    • Also how he performed all 37-38 cases from the past episodes at the same time after they were overturned in the previous one.
  • The trailer for the Attorney General special, proving that even after all these years, the same rapid humor is still there.
