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     Animated Series/Films 
  • Raven loses control of her temper on Legacy Day and freezes everyone there in place.
  • Whenever Maddie calls out the webisodes' narrators on their petty arguing. She's really got their number. Same happens in the books, with at least one chapter dedicated to her conversations with the narrators.
    Maddie: Will you stop fighting?! Peas and crackers!
  • Raven's performance during the talent show, especially after she lets out her 'bad side' to show up Sparrow Hood.
  • In Thronecoming, things finally come to a head between Apple and Raven, but neither of them backs down from their views. What follows is a surprisingly mature example of Both Sides Have a Point.
    Raven: I have tried to explain this to you in every way I know how! I want to write my own destiny! And to be honest, when it comes to this, I think you're being selfish.
    Apple: (shocked) Y-You think...I'm being selfish?
    Raven: All you care about is your own happily ever after!
    Apple: ...You know, because you didn't sign the storybook, all our stories could go poof. We could all go poof!
    Raven: Yeah, but we didn't!
    Apple: ...Yet. Raven, I don't want you to sign the book for me. I want you to sign the book so nothing bad happens to the people I love...including you.
    Apple hands Raven an apple, while Raven looks surprised as she turns away
    Apple: ...If you ask me, you're the one who's being selfish.
    • Raven actually considers Appleā€™s point, and is even willing to sign the book when a trick by Headmaster Grimm convinces her bad things really will happen to the people she cares about if she doesn't sign.
  • When it's revealed Headmaster Grimm tried to trick Raven, Apple actually scolds him. Let us remember that this is a man whom she, and most of the world, usually expresses a degree of Blind Obedience to.
  • Poppy saving her friends and herself from a troll's trap, with hairstyling.
  • Apple in Spring Unsprung set up a plan and executed it perfectly with all obstacles accounted for and dealt with. Too bad she is under a spell that makes her evil and her plan is to cut off Wonderland from Ever After, which turns Ever After grey and depressing.
  • The animation and backgrounds and character designs in Way Too Wonderland are top notch, and the girls have a lot of awesome moments as well while trying to save Lizzie's mom.
    • The flashback of the brothers Grimm and Baba Yaga banishing the Evil Queen.
    Milton Grimm: We cast this spell out to protect; while upon your deeds you shall reflect. You've failed this world to overwhelm, and are cast into the Mirror Realm!
    • Then there is the Battle between Courtly and Raven which takes a lot of cues from Dragon Ball.
    • Also, in the last episode: Raven signing the Storybook of Legends, to inherit her mother's powers, seems to be the only option in order to defeat Courtly Jester; Apple tells Raven that she has too much goodness in her heart for letting the Storybook making her evil, and that it has always been her own choice whether to sign or not. And when it seems Raven is completely absorbed by the dark side, being her willing to attack a now harmless Courtly, Apple reminds her that she can decide who to be. Keep in mind, folks, this is the same girl whom, in the first webisodes, was so obsessed by having a villain for her tale, to want Raven being evil even for the most petty or riddiculous things (never giving apologizes, cursing her magic mirror, poisoning her birthday cake, etc.) . Someone has really grown up, here.
  • Raven and Apple defeating the Evil Queen together in Dragon Games.

     Book Series- Hale 
  • When Maddie temporally becomes the narrator in A Wonderlandiful World. She does so well she gets a 21 chapter salute.
  • Cerise saving Raven from an angry mob that's about to kill her, and coming out as the werewolf daughter of Red Riding Hood and Badwolf, all at the same time!
  • Lizzie Hearts deciding to wield the Vorpal sword against the Jabberwocky herself instead of looking for a hero or responsible adult to do it.

     Book Series- Selfor 
  • Ginger in Kiss and Spell manages to talk Apple, Briar, Ashlyn, and Raven into kissing frogs after Hopper becomes a frog due to a botched wish and needs a 'princess' kiss' to turn back into a prince by appealing to their (or at least, Apple's) sense of righteousness and telling them it's their duty as princesses to provide their kiss.
  • Duchess saving Lizzie in Next Top Villain by transforming into her swam form and catching Lizzie as she falls into the ravine.

  • Mr. Bad Wolf and Red Riding Hood are extremely adept at covert operations. Blowing off the ever-inquisitive and slippery Blondie Locks and smuggling without a hint of suspicion, all at the same time.
  • Darling in pretty much any work she appears in will most likely be doing something cool, especially the books and Netflix specials.
