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Awesome / Eight Legged Freaks

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  • The aversion of Sex Signals Death: You expect that because Bret gave in to teenage hormones, he's going to catch some Death By Spider like all his biking buddies. Instead he gets one of the coolest moments in the film - twisting right off his airborne bike, and kicking away an attacking spider in mid-air. That chase is AWESOME.
  • The two guys who we just know are going to get eaten by the spiders, the alien-fearing paranoiac black radio show host and the dopey fat deputy, not only get some honestly heroic moments but they live through the movie. Such a simple, clever touch, and yet it's somehow amazing to see.
  • Zeke the Cat vs a spider the same size. While we thankfully don’t see it, the two are slamming each other into the drywall so hard that they leave impressions shaped like them in it, and only go down when both are electrocuted to death. Horror films have a penchant for killing off beloved pets, and while Zeke didn’t break the trend, he went down swinging HARD.
  • During the spider’s attack on the town, the trapdoor spiders turn the sewers into their traps to claim any poor soul trying to escape into their cars. One man notices sewer door peering open outside his car… but also notices a latter nearby. He promptly kicks the latter down and quickly walks over as the spider tries to devour him, but he successfully manages to escape with his life intact. Badass Bystander indeed!
