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Awesome / Donkey Kong

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  • In Super Mario Odyssey, The reveal trailer begins in a Mario universe version of New York City. What is notable is that the mayor is Pauline, and there are multiple shout-outs to Donkey Kong, including the infamously bad scaffolding, finally bringing Donkey Kong's back story into the main canon of the Super Mario series!
  • Even with the above being true, it's hard not to give Mario's old nemesis some credit for being one of many Breakout Characters in the series. Granted, it's the grandson of the original, but it's something else to see the ape go from chucking barrels down buildings to braving an entire island to beat up anthropomorphic crocodiles. Some even consider the Donkey Kong Country games to be among the best on the SNES, even surpassing Super Mario World in some eyes.
