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Awesome / Dave

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The film:

  • Dave and his friend manage to make sense of, and even partially fix, the federal budget, all in a bid to correct Alexander's denial of funding for shelters.
  • Bob tries to fire Dave from his job. Dave just calls the bluff, asking which of them is going to explain to the press how the White House Chief of Staff hired an imposter to pose as the President just so he wouldn't lose his own power. Too late, Bob realizes how much trouble he's in if this gets out.
  • The brilliant way Dave manages to set up Alexander and get himself out of this in full view of the world, both in-universe and from a screenwriting perspective. Specifically:
    • Dave reveals how Bob was part of the scandal he's been accusing Mitchell of, along with proof, ruining his political aspirations.
    • Dave-as-Mitchell, as one of the "conspirators", identifies the VP as being innocent of the scandal (which politically carries a fair bit of weight - usually a politician in this situation would try to drag everyone around him down with him, to spread the blame).
    • Even after the "stroke", Bob can't reveal what happened, because it changes his situation from "financial scandal" to "treason and subversion of the US Constitution" - a far more serious charge (And Dave himself would be in a lot less trouble than Bob, by simply telling the truth; he was told by Bob that the VP was a dangerous lunatic who mustn't be given power, and he was only trying to help his country like he was asked to, and immediately worked to give the position to the VP once he realized the truth).
    • Even if by some miracle Mitchell came out of his coma, his lack of memory of the past several months while Dave stood in for him is easily explainable by the "second" stroke, and now he will be either impeached over the scandal, or at the very least politically isolated, limiting his potential damage and being quickly voted out at the next election.

The series:

  • Dave's freestyle in front of YG and his crew at the end of the first episode. YG is so impressed that he puts it on his Instagram story, earning Dave a lot of recognition and street cred.
  • Dave's freestyle on Charlamagne's Breakfast Club radio show in NYC at the end of the season 1 finale. He fully impresses Charlamagne, and when he asks Dave his name... Close on Title.
