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Awesome / Chronicles of the Going Home Club

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  • The following is simply a list of Botan's moments of awesome. The list for everybody else comes second. The list doesn't even mention some of the things she can do, like scaring fire, just the most awesome things she can do. And why can Botan do these things? She thinks that the Chronicles of the Going Home club might not survive as a gag anime. So she's training hard enough to be on par with the villains in case the anime ever turns into a fighting tournament style format. And she's not exagerating when she says the 'Four Great Kings' she'd have to face, would only take two episodes to defeat. That's two Great Kings, defeated, per episode.
    • And when it comes down to it? She defeated three of the Great Kings in one episode, without it even switching to a fighting anime. (She didn't fight the fourth one because the fourth was obsessed with her).
  • Botan cutting the top of a water bottle off. With her bare hands. With the wind generated by her bare hands passing the waterbottle. It was cut so finely, the top didn't fall off for a few seconds.
  • Botan's 'Bear Tour'. She realizes that the largest animal in japan is a brown bear, so of course, she had no choice but to fight it. After besting it in single combat, the bear's ghost taunts her that there are bigger bears. So she takes a plane over to America to fight a Grizzly, and since she was over there, a Polar Bear.
    • She then proceeds to fight a Great White Shark, a Cobra, an elephant, and then play with a squirrel.
      • As it turns out, Botan can play a bear's death throes like a musical instrument.
  • During the social mixer training, this happens.
    Botan: My special skill is earth splitting.
    Natsuki: By earth splitting, you mean... (Imagine Spot of Botan karate chopping earthenware plates by a river)
    Botan: (With a cheery smile) No, not that. (Imagine Spot of Botan by the same river, karate chopping the shore, splitting the water and creating an earth path across)
  • Botan is faster than the speed of sound, even if she's handcuffed or being mummy wrapped, locked in a chest that explodes.
    • During her lonely years in early school, nobody would team up with her for gym, so she moved so fast that the coach could see her afterimage, and she was allowed to team up with herself!
  • Botan officially wins at Soccer forever.
    • To clarify, Sakura is in danger of losing Karin in a bet. Terrified as she is of Claire hiring a hitman to kill her if she loses Karin, she decides to end the game quickly by passing the ball to Botan. Botan kicks the ball so hard, that the wind current of the ball passing by cuts the cheek of the Soccer Captain and tears the clothes off of everybody else. Then, it leaves a crater where the opposing team's goal posts used to be. A majority of the soccer team wet themselves in fright, and the Captain immediately forfeits.
      • Botan wasn't even trying to score a goal. She was trying to pass.

  • After all of the above, and after Botan dares Sakura to hurt her (she takes a chair to the head without flinching) Sakura gets points for being the first being ever to come up with a strategy to actually hurt Botan! And Karin gets her moment too, for executing Sakura's plan, and being the first to ever hurt Botan.
  • The Student Council President Takamado! Reina! The only girl that Midnight Murder Botan is actually afraid of! If that mere fact isn't enough of a moment of awesome, her Dynamic Entry into the series is.
    • She Within moments of being introduced, she pwns the Going Home Club so hard with her mastery of rules, that in the end she decides they're not worth her time and let's them carry on with what they're doing. Sakura is so thoroughly shocked into submission, that she decides to end the show early.
  • After Sakura promises Karin to the soccer team if the GHC loses a soccer match, Claire and Botan completely flip out! Claire orders a sniper to be helicopter dropped onto the school roof. It's never made clear whether she intends to kill the opposing soccer team or Sakura if they lose.
    Claire: (On her cell phone) It's me. We ended the match safely. Recover the sniper, if you would.
    Natsuki: (To herself) I'm better off not asking.
    • Botan decides to kick the ball so hard it destroys half of the soccer field and it causes the soccer team piss their pants.
