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Awesome / Choujin Sensen

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Preliminaries Arc: Chapter 1-16

Telekinetic VS Sniper Match (Chapter 1-2)

  • Tomobiki Rinji manages to hold his own against his experienced opponent Baron Saijou with telekinesis that he barely understood and FEE's coaching. Keep in mind that Rinji is nothing more than an ordinary high school graduate who has absolutely zero combat experience, whereas Baron Saijou has been killing people since the Vietnam War.
  • As Rinji realizes that his maximum limit of lifting an object is the mass of the baseball he carried, he practices with pebbles and shoots at nearby birds like a shotgun blast.
  • Rinji fumbled into a sand pit without anywhere to take cover. As Baron approaches closer with an even more powerful sniper gun, Rinji erects a sand screen using his telekinesis. Baron fired his sniper gun but missed, leading Rinji to pinpoint his location and counterattack with a pebble shotgun blast.
  • Baron in turn is on the retreat and estimated where the angle of the telekinetic attack come from; he threw a flashbang grenade to blind Rinji and proceeds to take out Rinji's right eye and left arm. Do not underestimate Baron Saijou because he is a veteran killer at the age of 18.

Swordmaster VS Wall Passer Match (Chapter 3-4)

  • Thanks to FEE's intervention, Kaminashi Akira gains intangibility to escape from his death penalty and away from the Tokyo penitentiary.
  • Sasamura Kouichi has been reigning the national champion of kendo for three consecutive years. Sasamura proved his title by figuring out how to injure the intangible Kaminashi.
  • Even though Kaminashi ambushed Sasamura from behind and stabbed the swordmaster in the left eye, Sasamura continues to march forward. That freaked Kaminashi to the point where he attempts to escape into the middle of a lake. But thanks to Sasamura incredible focus, he tapped into the [Void] as he proceeds to Flash Step towards Kaminashi and sliced him in half. Kaminashi gloated how he survived from the sword stroke until his body split in half.

Metal Bender VS Dog Handler Match (Chapter 5-6)

  • Kimon Michuru doesn't just use her metal bending power to elude from Dr. Hell's attack dogs, she also uses her amateur skills as a magician to evade the dogs detection.
  • Dr. Hell's backstory shows how he grew up with a pack of wild dogs since he was a baby back in Oregon. Not only did he receive education from humans as he grew up, he also applied his empathy with dogs through military services. There, he demonstrated his war record and fearsome reputation as the [Devil's Canine].

Kung Fu Master VS Mad Doctor Match (Chapter 7-8)

  • Hitsugi Morio is able to dodge every incoming attacks from Ye Hao Yue by predicting where the body moves based on the nervous system impulses. As Ye Hao Yue noted, not even a master can dodge all of his killer blows.
  • Ye Hao Yue confuses Hitsugi by muzzling his nervous impulse through breathing regulation, and he counterattacks the mad doctor with a bare minimum of Qi.

Wire Girl VS Fire Girl Match (Chapter 9-10)

  • Aisha Hario demonstrated her skills by setting up wires in the room without the Prime Minister and his cabinet members suspecting her.
  • Kasai Yuri's pyrokinesis is so strong that she managed to burn a sex offender while he's in the middle of a swimming pool.

Demon Blues VS Buddha Doctrine Match (Chapter 11-12)

  • Mishima Daigo managed to overcome Robert's Devil Guitar illusions not once, but twice through a combination of Buddhist mantras and his religious convictions.
  • Robert's backstory shows how despite being an impoverished orphan, he pursues his dream of becoming the greatest blues musician as inspired by his grandfather.

Hitman VS Regenerator Match (Chapter 13-15)

  • Hitman Hanzaki proceeds to annihilate a hotel full of Yakuza members including the boss with nothing but dual pistols and his combat skills. As FEE pointed out, he accomplished his mission in 9 minutes and 55 seconds.
  • Hiiragi's gym teacher Onizuka-sensei tried to fend off Hanzaki in order to buy more time for his students to escape. Despite Onizuka-sensei putting up a valiant fight against Hanzaki, it's still futile as Hanzaki retaliated with much brutality. But it is thanks to Onizuka-sensei that Hiiragi Koharu safely escaped and Hanzaki got a broken knee.
