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Awesome / Bleach (S) Abridged

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A list of awesome moments for such an Abridged series.

  • The writers' ability to keep the Running Gag of people calling Aizen "Josh Groban" hilarious, whereas a lesser abridged series would've exhausted the laughs on that joke by now.
  • Almost everything Kenpachi says.
    Kenpachi: Some say my mother was a train. Some say I'm a rejected Godzilla monster too strong for the series canon. But everyone says... I'm the KEEENPACHIII!!
  • Mayuri and Uryu doing a rap battle for their fight, and some of the lyrics are absolute fire.
    Uryu: All those hot rhymes cost me was my Quincy powers. Forever.
  • The use of Fate/stay night music makes the Renji vs. Byakuya battle this.
    Byakuya: This is what happens when you piss off Japan.
  • How Gin Ichimaru breaks Rukia's resolve to be at peace with her execution with a cruelly effective speech instead of falsely offering to save her as in the original.
    Gin: You'll be happy to know your boyfriend is training to save you as we speak.
    Rukia: Renji?!
    Gin: (chuckling) No no no, the other boyfriend. Renji's already dead.
    Rukia: Renji's dead...?
    Gin: Quite terribly dead. Murdered by your brother. What a way to go. And soon Ichigo will die, the prisoners will die, Hanataro will be killed, you know you're indirectly killing just about everyone who has ever come to like you.
    Rukia: NOOOOOO!!!
    Gin: (thinking) Sometimes you need to appreciate the little joys in life. Now I'm off to kick a dog!
  • Ichigo saving Rukia from being executed by the Sokyoku (aka the Fire Chicken).
    Rukia: Ichigo you can't kill that thing!
    Ichigo: Of course I can't. Keep telling me things I can't do, it makes me stronger!
  • Byakuya's fight with Ichigo. Especially when the ending is played to "Envy on a Coast of Skulls".
  • Isshin killing Grand Fisher at last.
    Isshin: When it comes to Soul Reaper lore, bitch, I edit the wiki.
  • Ikkaku unleashing his Bankai against Edrad, complete with a song parody of Hurricane.
    • Also Keigo hyping him up for it.
      Keigo: Ikkaku's so savage, orphan wolves wanna be raised by packs of him!
  • Ichigo defeating his inner Hollow and gaining full control over his body, and said Hollow refusing back down, even though he's lost today.
    Ichigo: Hollow, you want to be my buddy? Here's a friendly reminder of what's gonna happen if you try to fight me again!
    (Ichigo closes the distance between them and stabs White)
    White: Looks like someone finally grew a pair.
    Ichigo: I'm done getting kicked around.
    Old Man Zangetsu: IIIIIIII'm FREEEEEEEEEE! (bursts out of White's control)
    White: You finally get that you need me, huh? That's adorable! Don't sweat it, though. Go ahead and make friends with all the Hollows you want! As long as you kill them before they kill you, I couldn't give a damn.
    Ichigo: I'm not gonna get blindsided ever again. Not by you, not by anyone.
    White: (starts fading away) Only time will tell. You can never be sure. Someday an opponent stronger than me may appear. If that happens though, don't be afraid to call me out to lend a hand! I'll always be watching you Ichigo. I've got everything riding on you, like I always have! So if you fuck up... I'll do what any good friend would do, AND TAKE YOUR BODY FROM YOU! (fades away)
  • In Ichigo and Grimmjow's second match, it is edited so he can only retain his hollow mask for 11 actual seconds.
    Grimmjow: WHAT?!
    Ichigo: No time to explain!
  • Shinji's entrance when he saves Ichigo and Rukia from Grimmjow, complete with the background music of Comfort Eagle by Cake.
    Shinji: I don't appreciate such blatant disrespect for a V, or the body attached to it. And you shouldn't hurt Rukia either.
    Grimmjow: Huh? Who are you, ya bitchy-ass trenchcoat-wearin', box teeth, droopy-eyed, motherflippin' stupid yellow hair, constantly depressed mother-
    Shinji: Stop. I'm Hirako Shinji. Not that that's gonna matter soon.
    Grimmjow: And why's that?
    Shinji: You're gonna be dead.
    Grimmjow: Someone thinks they're tough shit!
  • Chad's biggest win in Hueco Mundo against "Jimmy Lightningfist" is a sweet victory.
    Chad: Also my arm is now a rocket ship!
  • Rukia killing Aaroneiro.
    Rukia: (while impaled by his Nejibana) You know... Aaroneiro?
    Aaroneiro: Hmm?
    Rukia: You mentioned that... if you saw me use a technique it wouldn't work on you twice, right?
    Aaroneiro: Sorry, but what is it you're going on about now?
    Rukia: (while slowly pointing her broken sword at his head) So... I guess... good thing... I never had the chance to stab Kaien in the head...
    (Rukia's sword forms through Aaroneiro's head)
    Aaroneiro: You can't...
    Rukia: (chuckles) He... you didn't know this, but since the last time Kaien saw me... I became a seated member... a Kido master... I'm the sister of one of the most revered Captains in Soul Society, and I'm the only one to ever survive an execution attempt by the Sokyouku. So next time you drag up someone's past, make sure you understand completely what a badass bitch you're dealing with!
  • Uryu unleashing Sprenger on Szayelaporro in their battle.
    Szayelaporro: (trapped in the pentagram) Explain this immediately!
    Uryu: You're the scientist. Why don't you observe what it does... and tell me?
    (Uryu activates the ability and Szayelaporro screams as the explosion erupts)
    Uryu: Rest in pieces, Szayelaporro Granz!note 
  • The revelation of Ulquiorra's Espada number hits just as hard as it does in the original.
    Ulquiorra: (chillingly in-character) I do not wish for you respond to what I'm about to offer you, merely act. Leave this place. Accept your losses. Having seen that you cannot defeat even myself, you surely-
    (Ichigo attempts to stab with his zanpakuto)
    Ichigo: I get it. You're above Grimmjow. If I can take you out, the Espada leader, the rest should fall without issue. I ain't leaving. I have to prove that-
    Ulquiorra: You keep saying wrong things. Is it intentional? Are you trying to throw me off my guard? To a degree it works, so you may want to just own that. However...
    (Ulquiorra pulls the sword away and reveals the rank tattoo on his chest, 4.)
