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Awesome / Blackhat

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  • Chen Dawai and Carol Barrett go to see Gary Baker, who runs a tech magazine, to ask him for a list of subscribers so they can track down a hacker. Gary responds that they have no right to ask for something like that without something "tangible" to back it up. This is how Barrett responds:
    Carol Barrett: Gary. May I call you Gary? How's this for tangible? In the next 15 seconds I call Laura Greer at the Commodities Trading Commission. And I say, "Laura, how you doing? I'd like to launch an official investigation on one Gary Baker." So the headline, "M-Tech Official Investigated for Aiding and Abetting Cyber Criminals" leaks to CNN in the next 90, so it makes the three o'clock news cycle, as well as the nightly news. That'd be good too. (Beat) Am I being tangible...Gary?
  • The fight at the restaurant.
  • Though quite brutal, it's also highly satisfying when Hathaway shivs the absolute fuck out of Sadak during the parade.
  • Kassar also deserves a villainous Moment of Awesome for dealing two Curb Stomp Battles in Hong Kong, killing Chen, Barret and Jessup in the latter.
