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Breathe in deep, lieutenant. You too, Charley. You feel that pounding in your heart? That tightness in the pit of your stomach? The blood rushing to your head, do you know what that is? That's adventure. The thrill and the fear and the joy of stepping into the unknown. That's why we're all here, and that's why we're alive.
The Eighth Doctor, "Storm Warning"

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Main Range

    Fifth Doctor 
  • "Spare Parts": After spending half the story trying to get himself and Nyssa off Mondas as quickly as possible, the Doctor gives in to Nyssa's pleas to save the doomed population from cyber-conversion. When she asks him what happened to "never changing history", he declares history's old enough to look after herself, and proceeds to save Mondas. Too bad it doesn't stick.
  • "The Kingmaker" has the Doctor trying to write a book on the mysteries of history, lest he be killed by a robot forcing the Doctor to write said book. Somehow, this all ends up with Richard the III trying to kill ol' Bill Shakespeare for writing slanderous material based on him... but not before the robot winds up chasing after Shakespeare and demanding a new draft for The Tempest. Hilariously, the end result of all this is that Shakespeare dies 100 years before he was born, forcing King Richard the III to take up playwriting in the 1600s. Oh, and we get numerous references to the Ninth Doctor and the Master. And it really works.
  • In "Heroes of Sontar", Tegan launches a crippled Sontaran warship by firing all of its weapons, buried in the ground, at once as makeshift rockets. Turning the craft into a nearly uncontrolled cannonball that lacks even the most rudimentary safety devices. She and all the occupants still survive.
  • "The Emerald Tiger": Tegan is on a train about to hurtle over a canyon into an uncharted valley with no means of escape. For the whole of the next episode, she is thought dead, provoking some heartbreaking reactions from the Doctor and Nyssa; then, at the end, she turns up on the back of an elephant just having saved everyone else's lives. It turns out, she escaped by unlocking the TARDIS and climbing inside while in freefall. She later commented that it was worse than a dodgem car.
  • "The Secret History" sees the Doctor erased from existence through the machinations of the Monk, who has gone and taken his own role in history, only for the Monk's former ally to restore the Doctor to life when she realises that the Monk's actions are making history worse. With nothing but a woman who was last seen working with one of his oldest enemies and a TARDIS that isn't his, the Doctor manages to recruit a race of allies, completely subvert the Monk's plans, and put him in a position where he can either die as the Doctor or return himself and the Doctor to their proper places in time.

    Sixth Doctor 

  • "...ish". The Sixth Doctor uses his legendary Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness to defeat a sentient word.
  • "Doctor Who And The Pirates or The Lass That Lost A Sailor" starts out as a silly made-up tale, becomes sillier by the minute, and suddenly takes a nose dive into extremely serious drama as the whole story turns out to be (mostly) real. Evelyn can't go on, because the experience was too traumatic. The Sixth Doctor's solution? Turn the story into a Gilbert and Sullivan musical to cheer Evelyn up. And yes, he sings a fantastic Major General Song. And in the end, by telling the story, they accomplish exactly what they wanted: prevent the suicide of Evelyn's student.
  • "Davros" is one long MoA for you-know-who. He starts the story off freaking DEAD, and by the end he's taken over the galaxy's biggest corporation, pretended to be a Woobie to enlist the help of the CEO's wife in taking over the company, reduced the galactic stock market to a simple, foolproof equation and held the economy hostage by threatening to release said equation to everyone, and dropped a nuclear bomb on the Doctor. note 
    • Also in "Davros", Kimberly Todd gets a big one that rivals those of the title character himself. Near the end, she is held hostage by Davros using his poison injector that was giving to him so that he could Mercy Kill himself back on Skaro. She is kept on a spaceship, which the Doctor and Lorraine are trying to keep inside the planet so that Davros cannot escape and destroy the economy with his equation. However, Davros is working to bypass that safeguard the Doctor is using, while the Doctor hesitates to crash the ship because of her. So what does she do? She grabs the injector, and shoots herself with it while calling Davros a weak coward who paints his fear of death as bravery instead of what it really is. Her sacrifice allows the Doctor to destroy the ship, stopping Davros. Wow, what a way to go.
    • Though it's a descent into megalomania, the speech given by the titular villain and the choice it represents at the beginning of "Davros" is also incredibly impressive: Implicitly ordered to commit suicide to preserve the Kaled race's genetic purity and physical perfection, Davros muses on the idea... and refuses, claiming his withered, broken body as HIS, and recognizing that, despite being almost completely physically disabled, he is the only person within this fascist society who has any true power, due to his ability to make his own choices instead of blindly obeying. The fact that he then chooses to sentence his entire people to death makes this a sort of Villainous Valour instead of being purely inspirational, but it's still quite a breakthrough considering how tempting it must be to accept death in that sort of situation.

    Seventh Doctor 

  • "The Shadow Of The Scourge": Ace faces an Eldritch Abomination colony which feeds on people's fears by talking to them. Without even making a fuss about it, Ace immediately decides to have someone destroy her ear drums (knowing the TARDIS med bay can just fix her up later) so she can get on with saving the world.
    • In that same story, Bernice Summerfield and the Seventh Doctor fight against said Eldritch Abomination colony inside the Doctor's mind. He kicks her out when it gets too dangerous. She responds by jumping right back in.
  • Ace, in "The Dark Flame", fighting off zombies with the Doctor's umbrella while yelling at him to hurry up.
  • "Afterlife": The Seventh Doctor, having just finished his "war" with the Elder Gods in Gods & Monsters, is banishing a fire elemental that made the mistake of toying with the sort-of-but-not-anymore dead Hex's memories, and decides to use her to send a warning back to her cohorts.
    The Doctor: Hurts, doesn't it?
    Finnegan/Koloon: Doctor! Pity me!
    The Doctor: Fear me.
    Koloon: Wha... what?
    The Doctor: Tell this to your gods when they punish you, when they stretch you on the neutron rack: I'm still here.
    Koloon: But you...?! You're one... little... man!
    The Doctor: No, not a man. Not a human being. I am a complex space-time event. I am Lord President of Gallifrey. The Traveller from Beyond Time. I am the Sandman! The Oncoming Storm! I am the Ka Faraq Gatri; Destroyer of Worlds! And sometimes... only sometimes, I. Am. Your. Worst. Nightmare! ...I am the Doctor, and I take care of my friends.
  • "The Two Masters"; left for dead by two collaborating incarnations of the Master on a spaceship about to crash, with his own TARDIS stolen and the entire universe about to end, the Doctor not only escapes, but manages to find the Masters, disable them using weapons and equipment they left behind, and then use unfamiliar technology to reboot the universe.
    The Heretic thought the universe was sick. Maybe he was right. But that just means it needs a Doctor!

    Eighth Doctor 

  • "Storm Warning": Lord Tamworth fights and wins against a creature created only to destroy life using Good Old Fisticuffs.
  • "Other Lives": C'rizz is deeply humiliated and enslaved as part of a freak show. It's all played for laughs, since the entire episode is a happy little comedy. In the middle of the plot's resolution, C'rizz sneaks off, goes back to the guy who enslaved him, breaks his spine and rips out his eyes. Because no matter how much the Doctor treats him as a regular companion, C'rizz really, really isn't.

Other ranges

    The Fourth Doctor Adventures 
  • In "Kill the Doctor", Leela has taken it upon herself to help some homeless people. In order to do this, they have to steal food from a warehouse. As they're doing so, six security guards show up to apprehend them. And what does Leela do? She fights them all single-handedly and wins! Although we don't hear the actual fight, it's still impressive!
    Leela: I will handle the guards.
    Kendranote : But there are six of them!
    Leela: Yes... so it will not take me long. (unsheathes her knife)
  • In "The Age of Sutekh", Sutekh has just returned in a physical body in front of Leela. And what does she do? Does she beg for mercy? Does she run away? No. She calls him a horse in a dress! And she continues to taunt him - calling him "horse face" and asking if he can trot like a horse - even as he nearly kills her! Just goes to show how practically fearless she is, even when facing an Omnicidal Maniac of a god! This also doubles as a funny moment.

    New Eighth Doctor Adventures 
  • "Phobos": When facing a monster that feeds on adrenaline but is harmed by actual fear, the Eighth Doctor conquers it effortlessly by showing it his own mind. The whole Moment of Awesome takes several minutes, with the Doctor continuously mocking the monster throughout. Oh, and he does it while bungee jumping into the monster's transdimensional portal.
    I’ve seen entire species destroyed, civilizations left in ruins. I’ve witnessed solar systems vanish in the twinkling of an eye. I’ve seen things that would freeze your blood... So don’t threaten me, don’t ever threaten me. [...] My real fear is the things I don't enjoy. The things I've seen and never want to see again. [...] Now, entity, what can I show you... let's start with evil from the dawn of time, and go on from there, shall we? [...] I wouldn't make these things up — I couldn't! I saw them all! [...] Well, evil from the past is one thing. But I have seen the future, too... [...] Wouldn't you like to see what's coming? It scares the living daylights out of me. I wonder what it'll do to you. [...] Oh, no, wait-wait-wait! There's worse than that! There are the things that I am afraid I might do one day.
    • Another moment from this story is when another character, Farl, is getting upset with the Doctor and thus begins to threaten him, leading to this completely calm and deadly serious quote from the Doctor:
    Was that supposed to frighten me, Farl? I've seen entire species destroyed; civilisations left in ruins. I’ve witnessed solar systems vanish in the twinkling of an eye. I’ve seen things that would freeze your blood. So don’t threaten me. Don’t ever threaten me.
  • In "Lucie Miller", Susan, Alex, and Lucie attack a Dalek fleet with nuclear submarines. And win.
  • In the very next episode, "To the Death", Lucie blows up the Daleks' time warp drive with a giant nuclear bomb. And she makes friggin well sure they know who they're up against: "And just in case you wanted to know who it was who blew you to pieces — the name is Lucie Miller. You got that? Lucie BLEEDIN' MILLER!"

    Dark Eyes 
  • "Master of the Daleks" features a Gambit Pileup truly worthy of a budding timewar. The Dalek Time Controller, knew the Master would attempt to depose it to become the head of a new timeline and calls in more troops to kill him. The Master, was involved in the creation of these Daleks, activates a subroutine in their programming and makes them his troops,]] and promptly forces the Time Controller into a retreat. Just as the Master is about to enact his triumph, however, who comes in but the Doctor to uproot it... followed by an utterly chaotic battle of Daleks fighting each other and Sontarans thrown in as well.
    • The funniest aspect of this? The Doctor wasn't even aware of any of the above happening before he arrived. He managed to broadside the entire plan without even trying!
    • Just as notable is that Liv Chenka, while trapped in a Dalek prison, manages to overpower and disarm the Master with nothing more than a bottle of perfume. Mind you, the Master uses this to his advantage anyways, but points for initiative!

    Doom Coalition 
  • In "Stop the Clock", the Eleven has been imprisoned and is being watched over Tessno; another Time Lord who was purposely left alive by his previous self, the Ten, after he'd forced her entire squad into killing each other via hypnosis. She's understandably pissed about this and wants nothing more than to kill the Eleven so he can't hurt anyone else and so her comrades and friends can be avenged. However, she stops herself from doing so since she's just supposed to be making sure he doesn't escape. Unfortunately for her, the Eleven knows exactly who she is and what she wants to do and so he purposely goads her into disobeying her orders and attempting to kill him! Why? So he can kill her once he's free! He even tells her this and yet what he told her she would do ends up happening. Even with the knowledge that she would die if she listened to him and no matter how hard she tries to resist, Tessno is manipulated into releasing him and sure enough, he kills her. This doubles as Nightmare Fuel.

  • In "Day of The Master", there is one for each of the Doctor's companions. First, Liv Chenka, after discovering she can regenerate after the War Master shoots her, takes his gun from him by force. He says he knows she won't shoot him, being a compassionate type, and she seems to agree-before she shoots him in the arm. Then, after the Bruce!Master shows up and is about to throw Liv out of an airlock, the Doctor and Helen arrive. Helen, non-action bookworm that she is, immediately punches the Master, even if she hurts her hand in the process.


    The Diary of River Song 

  • River delivers this epic speech to Dante of the Discordia who claims he's in love with her while trying to coerce her into being his wife/mate by killing almost everyone she meets during the fourth box set.
    River Song: You’re not in love with me. I’m not involved. In love with me? You’re in love at me. And those are very different things... Oh, and even if you are, what am I supposed to do about it? Your feelings place no obligation on me... You do know that’s not how it works, right? I’m not like a reward card. You don’t build up points doing favours for me until you win a prize.

    Other special releases 
  • "The Last Adventure- The Brink of Death"; having been manipulated into a position where he's essentially a ghost in the Matrix as the Valeyard intends to remake all of Time Lord history so that he is the only Time Lord to ever exist, the Doctor uses the last dregs of energy available to him to essentially kill his own past self, sacrificing his very existence in his current state to stop the Valeyard.
    • Seven's brief cameo when Six is on the verge of regeneration.
    It's far from being all over...
  • "The Light at the End": The climax, in which the Fourth and Eighth Doctors trick the Master into explaining his plan, enabling the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Doctors to go back in time to prevent it from succeeding. The Master then discovers eight Doctors in eight TARDIS’ surrounding his and ready to Time Ram him.
  • "The Heavenly Paradigm" from the War Master Volume One boxset sees the Master and his "companion" Cole attempting to break into a secret Time Lord weapon storage, disguised as a mundane suburban house in Stamford Bridge in the 1970s. The guardian of the place is a Time Lord agent disguised as a kindly old lady, and she offers the visiting Master and Cole a cup of tea. Cole, fooled by the disguise, completely unsuspectingly drinks the tea, which turns out to be drugged and he passes out as a result. The Master, meanwhile, knew exactly who the old lady really was and what was going on all along, and when the agent realizes that he hasn't fallen for the bait, she confronts him at stazer-point. The Master is completely unintimidated by this and even smugly takes it all in stride. It is hard not to be compelled by witnessing him unleashing all of his most evil, diabolical intelligence and just basking in it, while armed with only a singular cup of tea:
    Time Lord Agent: I'm pointing a stazer at your hearts. It is set to maximum. There will be no regeneration for you when I pull the trigger. And what do you have? (mockingly) A cup of tea!
    The Master: (smugly) Yes... (calmly puts down the cup) Are you scared yet?
    • It makes the Doctor even better and he's not even involved. The Doctor can (and often does) fight this man and win, but this Time Lord Agent has no chance of it.
  • "Inside Every Warrior" from "The Eighth of March" box set has a scene near the end where Strax tells resident Jerkass Cornelius Pinch, after he mocks Daisy Hodge who's only just died after a Heel Realization about the genuine love Vastra and Jenny have for a each other after doubting it for the entire story, to "Be silent, unworthy human!". Considering that this is Strax we're talking about, it makes it all the better.
