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Awesome / Among Us

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If you see this screen, that means it's a flawless victory.

Among Us can have some pretty awesome results from its deceptively complex gameplay.

  • Ejecting an Impostor before anyone dies is very awesome; you've just saved your crew with no casualties on your side.
  • Similarly, killing multiple Crewmates before a body is called. There's even an achievement for getting three kills before a meeting gets called.
  • Winning as a solo Impostor. Bonus points if your partner was ejected first round.
  • Surviving a trip to any dangerous area or Completing a hard task with no issues.
  • Being believed in a meeting, especially if it gets an Impostor ejected.
  • Using Vitals to catch a self report makes you feel like a pro.
  • Similarly, hiding in a vent and watching a kill or shift as an Engineer. To specify, the Engineer can vent like Impostors, albeit with a limited time they can remain in there and a cool-down after they emerge. This has been used many times to find Impostors, either by hiding in a room long enough to witness an Impostor go in for the kill, thinking no one is there, or see the Impostor get out of or enter a vent, and if they're lucky, they can hide and witness a Shapeshifter shift into other Crewmates or revert to their true form. These sharp-eyed Engineers now have their Impostor exposed and only need to start a meeting or have a dead body reported before they get killed to get the Impostor voted out.
  • Getting away with a stack or double/triple kill feels amazing.
  • Saving someone at the last second as a Guardian Angel. Doubly so if that person was gunning for the Emergency Button with undeniable proof of an Impostor, or would have been the second victim of a Double Kill.
  • Lying successfully in a meeting gives immense relief as an Impostor, because you can live to kill another playing session.
  • It's rather difficult, but with some timing and skill, you might see two people enter a room (such as The Skeld's Electrical) or a passageway and then find a dead body in there after seeing one of them leave through the doors, or find the still-living guy in another room with a vent. It's a simple but effective way to find the Impostor by deduction and inference of who went where through the vents or who was the last person to join the victim before they were killed, so if you or someone else reported a dead body, you will have the right person to blame and vote out, saving your crew.
  • Observational skills at hand here. If you find someone doing what's usually a common task when it's not there in the task list, you've easily got your Impostor because the Crew won't do tasks that are not on their list. Also, if you find a guy doing a part of the task twice, taking too long, or doing a two-part task in the wrong order, you've got your suspect.
  • If you walk into a room and witness a "Crewmate" kill one of your team upon entry, you've caught your Impostor red-handed! Now you can just simply report the body before they escape, self-report, or have another guy lying in wait for you, and get the Impostor out of here.
  • If you're eagle-eyed and on the Airship, once a body is reported, you might see someone standing on a vent... which means they're very likely to be an Impostor. Now you can just convince everyone easily that you've found an Impostor and throw them out.
  • Catching a Shapeshifter is difficult but the effort is worth it. If you hide behind something and remain unnoticed when the Shapeshifter makes their move, you might see them shift into someone else or back to their original form, or you can find them go into a room and emerge as themselves or one of your crew. This will give you ample evidence for you to determine your Shapeshifter and get them out.
  • The fact that some players are able to use Vitals and the other monitoring abilities to win the game. Just think about it: a Crewmate monitoring the positions of five or more people at a time is very vulnerable to an Impostor attack. Those that pull off a win by spotting a kill on Cameras could be considered heroes, in a way.
  • The crew coordinating perfectly to swiftly fix a sabotage, especially because of how common it is for Crewmates to either get in each other's way or just undergo Bystander Syndrome altogether.
  • Conversely, managing to single-handedly fix the oxygen because no one else bothered, especially considering the tight time limit and the risk that an Impostor could be waiting in ambush.
