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Awesome / After Midnight

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  • The Better Life/Worse Life game where Jerry O'Connell demonstrates that his life is, in fact, better than a buff, shirtless influencer with this epic display, throwing the whole segment Off the Rails. Get it, Jerry!
  • Marcella Arguello's masterful Beyoncé impression in this segment. Followed by her award show acceptance at the end over being eliminated, in which Marcella refuses to go quietly or gracefully, and she's still throwing a fit on the floor right through the end credits.
  • Wayne Brady improvising an R&B slow jam (In the Style of Usher) to Kevin Smith, in true Wayne Brady fashion.
  • The special Talk Show Portion hosted by... Survivor's Jeff Probst?!?
  • The game from March 5, 2024 where the panelists see a tweet from Cher ("what's going on with my career") and guess when it was posted. Esther Povitsky picks 9:00am ("because I have this exact thought every day at 9am when the Lexapro and the coffee hit together.") The answer? 9:03am. Esther got it so closely that she's literally shaking with excitement.
  • The Egg On Your Face game on March 13, 2024. Millennial panelists, Matt Rogers and James Davis, completely whiff on identifying internet terms from the past decade ("Dash Con Ball Pit" and "Skibidi Toilet" respectively). And then, baby boomer Caroline Rhea, pushing 60, is given the term "NPC" and gets it right off the bat!
  • April 26th, 2024: Prior to the "This could have been an email" segment, Destiny's Wheel is introduced, and Moshe Kasher is forced to do the segment using a British accent. Claiming Jason Ritter is a "gifted actor", he passes on the requirement to him. Jason proceeds to respond to the four prompts, each time using a UNIQUELY different British accent. On the last one, he punctuates his achievement with a leprechaun-like heel click.
  • May 8, 2024: The Slide Into The DMs round, where Brandon Kyle Goodman, Heather McMahan and Hannah Berner have to act out real DMs. They take the task seriously, and proceed to create whole characters and act the shit out of each of these messages, especially a boisterous Heather McMahan.
