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Anime / Amon Saga

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Set in a world of high fantasy and adventure Amon Saga is a 60 minute anime OVA that tells the tale of a young man seeking vengeance for the death of his mother. To this end he joins up with an unlikely band of allies and sets forth on his quest with steadfast determination and resolve. However, along the way he encounters a young princess named Lichia and soon discovers that much more is going on than he initially thought. Will he ultimately be able to avenge his slain mother? Will he and the princess end up falling in love? Can he even hope to survive?

So begins Amon Saga and whatever lies ahead for our young hero...

Amon Saga provides examples of:

  • Bar Brawl: Happens in the tavern where Amon and Gaius first meet. After a short conflict between the two the other patrons begin fighting each other in the commotion.
  • Bling of War: The Golden Knight is a large intimidating knight with shiny golden armor.
  • Big Bad: Valhiss. He's the last major threat Amon has to face to conclude his story.
  • Facial Horror: At one point the Golden Knight kills a werebeast monster by grabbing it and ripping its face clean off.
    • The Big Bad also has a gruesomely disfigured face under his mask that looks like burnt meat.
  • Fed to the Beast: Happens to an unfortunate messenger who failed to point out the Darai-Sem spy to the bad guys and is fed to a "Dragon-Ape" creature as a result.
  • Expy: One of the minor characters is a dead ringer for D from Vampire Hunter D.
  • Improbable Hairstyle: Princess Lichia's infamous green braid job. Sage directly compares it to looking like Zoidberg from Futurama.
    Sage: [imitating Zoidberg's manner of speech] I'm a woman's hairpiece now! Finally, my papa will be proud! Woopoopoopoop!
  • Macho Masochism: Gaius reacts to getting some glass imbedded in his palm by licking up the blood and crunching up and eating a few of the shards in his mouth like he was chewing on some tasty rock candy. Jeez dude...
  • Sea Serpents: Or "freshwater serpents" in this case. A random giant fish monster attempts to devour the princess at a lake before being bloodily put down by Amon.
  • Stripped to the Bone: Happens to Mabo when he loses his Wizard Duel against the good guys. Then Denon proceeds to crush his skull underfoot for good measure.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: This is how Amon finally takes down the Big Bad... by throwing his sword straight into his face!
  • Turtle Island: Amon Saga takes place in a world where at least one entire city is transported around on the back of a massive turtle creature of some sort.
  • Wizard Duel: Occurs between the two sides magical characters during the final battle. The goods guys ultimately prevail, slaying the evil sorcerer Mabo in the process.
  • You Killed My Father: This is what kicks off the plot in the first place. Amon's mother was murdered in cold blood and now he wants to get revenge on her killer.
