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Angst What Angst / Amphibia

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Angst? What Angst? in this series.
  • Unlike Anne, who is extremely apologetic for nearly getting them killed, Sprig is exhilarated that a snake nearly ate them and that he defeated it by diving down its throat to douse it with death peppers. He tells Anne it was the best day of his life before conking out on her bedspread.
  • Due to living in a Death World, the Amphibians in general are very accustomed to the idea of death. When catching an apparently deadly disease, the Plantars accept their fate with serenity. This is not too dissimilar to medieval European attitudes to death in real life due to the high mortality rate then.
  • Sasha Waybright was captured by the toads, chained up, and forced to confront the idea that Anne was missing in the wilderness after Grime found her shoe, with no way of knowing that Anne was okay. She spends her days convincing her guards to quit by being nice to them, and happily agrees to be Grime's second-in-command.
  • Marcy Wu of all people shows no trauma about the change in circumstances. In fact, she Took a Level in Badass and tells Anne that she's much tougher than she was back at home, so she doesn't need protecting. It gets lampshaded when Sprig is suspicious that Marcy is another Sasha, and Anne has to admit she's worried about losing her other human friend to the natural predators while Sasha is now her enemy. Then it turns out to be darkly justified; Marcy stranded the girls there on purpose, and refused to open up about moving.
  • A point of contention with season 3 is how Anne Boonchuy barely frets over Marcy, who she last saw getting impaled through the back with a flaming sword, instead enjoying hanging out with her family when not doing portal research. On the other hand, Anne is shown to be consumed with the more immediate problem of needing to get the Plantars back to Amphibia ASAP whenever she has the opportunity, which would also allow her to find Marcy and Sasha again, so it's likely she's intentionally avoiding thinking about it at all until she can make headway on getting back to Amphibia and not consider the possibility that Marcy is dead. In addition, since she's hiding the true stakes behind her return to Earth from her parents, Anne's likely intentionally avoiding showing any external signs that something's wrong to avoid arousing their suspicions. For what it's worth, Anne fulfills her promise to return to Amphibia when she activates the prototype portal, so she now has a chance to rescue them.
  • After being understandably frantic that their thirteen-year-old daughter vanished on her birthday with her two best friends, and not wanting to let her out of their sight again, Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy give their blessing for Anne to return to Amphibia, and even encourage her during the FBI fight when she hesitates for a moment. Now that she's told them everything, they know that she's the only one with a chance of stopping Andrias given her powers and connection to the Calamity Box. Andrias also wants Anne dead, has sent robots to Earth to murder her, and knows enough about Los Angeles culture to infiltrate it. Anne mentions how Amphibia itself will try and murder you if you even try to pick some tomato plants, and she won't be available by phone the minute she's on the other side. Yet Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy tell Anne they trust her to save both worlds, and only request that she comes back safe. Of course, they proceed to berate Mr. X for how badly he misjudged the situation and endangered their daughter during said portal testing...
