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Analysis / Your Mom

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Types of Your Mom jokes

  • Your Mom is/does X: X is always something dirty, unpleasant, or both.
    • Example: Your mom eats cat food.
  • Your Mom is so X, Y happened!: There are several types of these.
    • Your Mom is so fat, that X happened: X is usually size-related, but sometimes is related to being a Big Eater since some people associate food with being fat.
      • Example: Your mom is so fat that when she went to the beach, Greenpeace thought she was a whale.
      • Example 2: Your mom is so fat, that her blood type is gravy!
    • Your Mom is so ugly, that X happened: In this case X is usually to do with repulsing other people, or sometimes Horrifying the Horror.
      • Example: Your mom is so ugly, that when she took a selfie, it said 'censored'.
      • Example: Your mom is so ugly, she gives Freddy Krueger nightmares!
    • Your Mom is so old, that X happened: X, in this case, can sometimes be an ageist stereotype, but often it involves a situation in which she would have to be very old for it to be true.
      • Example: Your mom is so old, that her first Christmas was the first Christmas.
    • Your Mom is so stupid that X happened: In this case, X is something that The Ditz would do.
      • Example: Your mom is so stupid, that she tried to alphabetize the M&Ms.
    • Your Mom is so short that X happened: X is something that you would have to be short to do.
      • Example: Your mom is so short, that you can see her legs on her passport photo.
    • Your mom is so hairy that X happened: X is usually something to do with being mistaken for a monster.
      • Example: Your mom is so hairy, Bigfoot wanted to marry her.
    • Your mom is so poor that X happened: X is usually something which saves money, but is ridiculous.
      • Example: Your mom is so poor that she uses both sides of the toilet paper.
    • Your mom is so nasty that X happened: X is usually related to being disgusting. Vulgar Humour is to be expected in most (but not all of) these jokes.
      • Example: Your mom is so nasty, that when she dropped her toothbrush in the toilet, we had to get a new toilet.
  • That's What Your Mom Said!: Basically the classic "that's what she said" gag but even worse. Seeing as this is a one-liner, it does not need an example.
