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Analysis / Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

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Miles’ Graffiti Motif

In addition to comic book art, the movie leans heavily into the conventions of street art. Tumblr user “The Snadger” noted this, and the following is quoted directly from her blog:

“Why does Miles stop at a time-sensitive moment to paint one of Peter’s suits when he’d probably want to get going as quickly as possible? Three reasons.

One, on a character level Miles is about to go into the scariest endgame fight he’s been in the entire movie. Taking the time to make the costume his own, to take this little part of the old Spider-man’s legacy and probably get some encouraging words from Aunt May is important to pysch himself up enough to do this.

Two, suiting up for the first time is an important rite of passage in superhero comics. It represents the character deliberately taking on the role. Miles has been wearing a kid’s costume because he feels like a kid trying to take on the role of a hero. By putting on a real costume, his own costume that he designed, he is becoming his own hero.

Three, his costume is an extension of his art. He uses spray paint to alter it, and we see little drips and splatters in the costume’s design. Miles is a street artist and his spider-suit is a street artists’s creation.

Miles’s street art and his coming into his own as Spider-Man are directly linked in the narrative in a way that’s too perfect to be accidental. His costume is made with spray paint. He’s bitten while painting a mural. He uses his spider-powers to put a sticker where his dad can’t find it. Jefferson doesn’t like Spider-Man’s methods or Miles’s art. But in the end, he’s willing to work with both. And street art is the shared history Aaron, Jefferson and Miles all have even if they ended up on three drastically different paths.

Miles paints murals, throws stickers up on street signs, etc, both as self-expression and an expression of love for his city. It’s that same love for his home that makes him Spider-Man, the city’s protector. His vigilante heroism and his illegal art are expressions of exact same thing.”

Spiderverse and Identity/Being the "Other"

CinemaWins analysed Miles's character arc throughout the movie at the end of his Everything Great About Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse video.
