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Analysis / Chiasmata

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About the order of the both sets of the protagonists and how this affects the two sets

A lot is going on about the fact that the protagonists are apparently numbered subjects, and this seems not only to be for the current ones, but also for the 'before' protagonists. The latter is going to be called dancestors in the following analysis because I can't miss that oppertunity.

The talk about this started when Bonnie and Clara got addressed as Subject 3 and 6, respectively. At first, it was assumed that it was in the order of appearance in the comic, but this was proven wrong by posts of forgottenarchivist.On this panel, the Roman number for 12 appeared above Anders; making him Subject 12. This led us to the following order of Subjects:

The last row contains the numbers 5 to 8, because Clara was addressed as Subject 6 and belongs to the group of Jacqueline, Leo and Omar.

For the dancestors this was somewhat more difficult, since they aren't addressed by forgottenarchivist at least once. Initially, the image above was color inverted and that was called the order of the Subjects that came before, like this:

However, Forest Viewer and k2 hinted at a different order. The character references were posted with different symbols than the original group, and Forest Viewer also gave them a different order. He gave out the symbols of his group and, according to the 'me!' spot being number 5 in the image linked before, this could be formed:

However, we still weren't there. Throwing back at the Clara thing about the 5 to 8 Subjects being numbered last, we are finally there:

This paints the original picture in a different light:
