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It's a continuation of Yahtzee's classic reviewing style honed over 16 years, so naturally we're going to have some funny moments.

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Fully Ramblomatic

2023 Episodes

    Alan Wake II 
  • Yahtzee argues that even if he tends to like Remedy Entertainment's games on the whole, their plots often plays around with metafiction elements and therefore tend to be kind of up their own ass, and Alan Wake II is perhaps the crowning example of this.
    Yahtzee: I mean any work of fiction about a work of fiction with the power to reshape the fabric of reality is sort of inherent up itself, and that is before we get to the fact that Sam Lake, the director and writer of the game, casts himself in it as three different characters. Which takes us so up ourselves that we can start speedbagging our own uvula.
    Alan Wake II: Not three different characters, Yahtz! They're arguably three different aspects of the same character.
    Yahtzee: Uh huh. Well, that's just slid us another six or seven inches up ourselves, hasn't it? Now our hands are sticking out of our mouth and gesturing to see the wine menu.
  • At the end of the review, Yahtzee addresses the viewers directly, thanking them for their support in this transitional period while sitting down with his dog and smoking the severed leg of an infant like a fine cuban cigar to make a point about the kind of shit he's allowed to do now that he's part of an independently-funded co-op.
    Yahtzee: Don't worry, I'm not going to have an impassioned talk like this every week. I think next time, we'll go back to the smash cutting to the overly loud credits music right after the final gag. It's just cause this is the first. Don't want anyone to think I'm getting sincere all of a sudden. And furthermore, "bum, balls, wankity wank, labia, flatulent, gush."

    Robocop: Rogue City 
  • Yahtzee's opening mini-rant about gaming culture's habit of giving various genres fairly unintuitive names, which transitions into him discussing the uncharacteristically apropos "movement shooter"... and lamenting how he's gotten sick of them as of late.
    Yahtzee: Fun though it was when Doom (2016) kicked off the nostalgia wave for 90's-style shooters, there's currently enough of them on Steam to clog a baleen whale's dentures. But the cultural vogue is constantly adapting, and that's presumably why with RoboCop: Rogue City developers Teyon are pioneering a new interesting counterpoint to the movement shooter. Namely, the "Plod Around Like You've Got Tea Trays Strapped To Each Foot And Two Pounds Of Rapidly Cooling Shit Threatening To Leak Out The Legs Of Your Underpants"-Shooter. Or to use its original name, Gears of War.
  • Yahtzee's description of the game's plot where the gangs of Detroit are causing mayhem to each impress "The New Guy In Town", comparing it to a bunch of kids trying to get a cool kid's attention in hopes that they'll eat at their cafeteria table and be their best friend.
    Yahtzee: Maybe they're doing a The Bachelor-style reality TV show for crime lords, because when we meet the dude, he kinda seems like just a random prick who enjoyed Alan Rickman's performance in the movie Die Hard so much he modelled his fucking life on it.
  • "...interspersed with trips to the police station where we can either go straight to the next actually-fun part of the game, or pause for some suffocatingly pointless sidequest where RoboCop goes around getting everyone to sign a 'Get Well Soon' card, and that's not the facetious exaggerated example it sounds like."

    The Talos Principle 2 

    Persona 5 Tactica & American Arcadia 
  • Yahtzee suffering the same fate of every Persona fan of getting increasingly impatient for the next numbered entry in the series.
    Yahtzee: So Persona 5 Tactica represents Atlus' latest effort to hedge on finally committing to a fucking Persona 6 for Christ's sake, and I must say, officially marks the point that I got kinda sick of Persona 5 spinoffs. Which is remarkable in itself, 'cause the fucking dancing game couldn't manage that!
  • Yahtzee describes the Phantom Thieves as "simultaneously the world's most extraneously large heist crew and the world's smallest cosplay convention."
  • In going over the watered-down-ness of Tactica, Yahtzee tries to figure out what the game still has in store for him as a Persona fan: the Dual-World Gameplay? The game is mostly linear with only extraneous breaks in between for cutscenes. The stylish menu design? The actual organization of the menus are significantly worse. The really good music?
    Yahtzee: ...yeah, alright, you can have a tick there. Persona 5 Tactica is permitted to exist as long as I can't be asked to buy the soundtrack album.
  • After waffling over whether he actually liked American Arcadia or not, Yahtzee settled on a thumbs-up due to how well it stuck the landing with its ending, remarking how "it just goes to show just how important a good ending can be in the grand scheme of things, as I said in my Yelp review for my local Asian massage parlour." This is accompanied by an image of Yahtzee on a massage bed as he's approached by an employee holding a vacuum pump.

    Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora 
  • Yahtzee expresses confusion that Avatar has become a global juggernaut, given that neither he nor anyone he knows has ever expressed any interest.
    Yahtzee: Maybe there's an unknown subsection of humanity living among us, presumably dwelling underground and subsisting on rats and stray dogs, who emerge from the sewer drains at night to watch Avatar movies and send votes into America's Next Top Model.
    Sewer Person: [into phone] Lurrr-tisssh-aaa...
    Yahtzee: Or maybe James Cameron is buying up millions of empty theater seats to pad his numbers when he's not buggering off to the bottom of the ocean to scrape bits of dead billionaire off the Titanic.
  • Yahtzee eventually gives up interest in the game, but not without a parting shot at the Na'Vi.
    Yahtzee: [...] and the story failed to make me give a single cerulean skidmark for these interchangeable blue one-with-naturey-than-thou dullards and their bullshit problems. "Oh no, we're being victimized by the little smelly fragile people who haven't had their every need and want in life fucking handed to them by their enviroment. Suppose we'd better kill them all and get back to our difficult life of parties and finger-painting. Oh, what a bore!" Why don't you stick a branch up your arse and complain about it on tree Reddit!
  • "I wanna know when James Cameron's gonna make the crossover between Titanic and Piranha 2: The Spawning".

    The Best, Worst and Blandest of 2023 
  • Yahtzee compares his awards show to The Game Awards:
    Yahtzee: [...] except for two crucial details; one, we prioritize awarding things and not sucking off corporate industry so hard that its legs recede into its stomach cavity, and two, our award categories actually fucking mean something. I mean, come on, "Best Action Adventure"? Might as well have an award for "Best Game With A Title Screen".
  • The reasoning for picking Amnesia: The Bunker as 4th Best.
    Yahtzee: I'm still one of those deviants who likes horror games in months other than October, and it would be remiss of me not to award the one game that actually scared the piss out of my jaded arse. Please don't ask what piss was doing in my arse.
    Yahtzee's avatar: (while mopping up said piss) My doctor says we'll keep an eye on it.
  • "Boy, the conversation around Hogwarts Legacy really helped me appreciate new perspectives and expand my worldview. Now I know how the mute function works on Twitter!"
    • Earlier in the episode, Yahtzee is asked, "Are you gonna call her a cunt?", a Take That! to the YouTube censorship of the word while his Zero Punctuation videos were still on The Escapist and Gamurs who didn't want them demonetized on YouTube.

2024 Episodes

    Beyond Good and Evil 

    Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown 

    Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth 


    Persona 3: Reload 

    Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League 

    Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden 

    Skull and Bones 
  • Yahtzee begins the review acknowledging that he's been picking on Ubisoft a lot lately, but he can't help it, especially when they make themselves incredibly easy targets by declaring Skull & Bones to be a "quadruple-A game".
    Yahtzee: You see, while no one deserves to be bullied, if you march into the school cafeteria, plop down at the table with all the rough lads, and declare, "I'd wager none of you fellows know as much about Naruto as me!", then at that point, you're kind of asking for it, especially when it turns out you don't actually know that much about Naruto.
    Ubisoft: (lying on the ground with a lunch-tray jammed in its ass) B-but I watched all of season 1 and 2!
  • "...after ten long years to improve on the idea, Skull and Bones has less gameplay, less story, less sandbox, and Les Misérables."
    Yahtzee: So let's stock our ship at the island of Lesbos and get into it!
  • After mentioning the weirdly high number of characters giving your no-name player character boons right off the bat from "that look in your eye"...
    Yahtzee: Man, what is it with our eyes?! Who are we, The Demon Headmaster? Yes, I do get off on making references most people won't get.
  • Yahtzee describing his experience with the hub world where you can see the avatars of other online players. Upon realizing that virtually all of them decided to wear the same things (tricorn hat, eyepatch, overcoat), he chose to trade his gear up for "a colorful stripy shirt, shorts, and a silly red hat", describing himself as looking like Ness from EarthBound.
  • "The core gameplay is just ships: ship movement and ship combat. If you want epic swordfights while drenched in pitiless spray, you're going to have to go back to taking showers with your brothers."
    Yahtzee: Ship movement consists of pointing to where you want to go and waiting, waiting a little bit less if you have stamina, and more when you've run out. Hold up, question from the floor, Skull and Bones: why does my ship have a Sprint Meter? And why is it restored with food items?! What, we climbing down to the figurehead and shoving pancakes in its mouth?

    Pacific Drive 
  • Yahtzee quickly establishes that he enjoys Pacific Drive's creative driving-based gameplay as driving gives him one of his few remaining senses of freedom since becoming a father — especially the parts where it gets extremely trippy.
    Yahtzee: reminds me of that part of driving where reality starts melting around you and you have to put your foot down to escape the bouncing robot hedgehog things, which is my other favorite part, but my wife always has to be a buzzkill and grab the wheel and nag me to get my narcolepsy looked at.
  • "So... this is a game that's going to be tough to explain."
    Yahtzee: You're a dude driving a car.
    Guy: Hmm... Well, Yahtz—
    Yahtzee: That wasn't the tough-to-explain part; I'm still figuring it out!
  • "Gameplay's primarily purpose-produced for podcast patronage, and about as post-dad as post-dad gets, combining the three dominant components of the dad psyche: driving around, engine maintenance, and packing the shopping. Oh, and nuclear disasters."
  • Yahtzee summarizes the gameplay as being surprisingly easy in retrospect, but not caring since the gameplay loops are solid and the escape moments where you're trying to Race Against the Clock (despite being more generous than they appear) are nevertheless genuinely thrilling. He caps this off with a caption in the credits:
    Plus the escape sequences are great for practicing getting out of the Costco parking lot at 2 PM on a Saturday.

    Alone in the Dark 
  • Yahtzee notices that the Tommy Gun is kind of a Game-Breaker in regards to combat, but is also basically obligatory for the setting.
    Yahtzee: The Tommy Gun is to Depression-Era setting what Harley Quinn is to any DC Universe property. People will complain if you don't put it in.
  • After failing to be impressed by the horror elements, and the stealth and combat gameplay, Yahtzee asks if the game has anything else for him:
    Alone in the Dark: Do ya like puzzles, Yahtz?
    Yahtzee: Sure do!
    Alone in the Dark: Do you like jigsaw puzzles with a maximum of nine pieces?
    Yahtzee: Oh, yes! They keep my four-year-old occupied while I do grown-up things like crosswords and rewiring electronics. I don't suppose you've got anything like that?
    Alone in the Dark: Uh, no... It's mostly baby-jigsaws. But you have to rotate the pieces sometimes!
  • In his closing comment, Yahtzee says he just couldn't get in sync with the characters, "and not just because I've never worn a trilby or unironically addressed a woman as 'dame'." Cue Toffee running up to Yahtzee with the Zero Punctuation hat in his mouth and presenting it to him.
    Yahtzee: ...What? That's a fedora!

    Dragon's Dogma 2 

    Final Fantasy VII Rebirth 

    South Park: Snow Day! 
  • Yahtzee's graudually failing enthusiasm at the game trying to do things differently than its predecessors.
    Snow Day!: We're going to completely mix things up by making Snow Day! a full 3D game!
    Yahtzee: Oh.
    Snow Day!: ...With real time combat!
    Yahtzee: Oooh...
    Snow Day!: ...And a focus on co-op multiplayer!
    Yahtzee: Eeeeeeurhohohew...
    Viewer: Yahtzee, stop incrementing random vowels!
    Yahtzee: I can't help it! An established singleplayer franchise suddenly pulling a co-op focused sequel is one of the lead-ups to armageddon in the Book of Revelations! Just between war in the Middle East and the Election of the Anti-Christ!

    Helldivers II 
  • Yahtzee has to do a rare preface of his work due to the Executive Meddling by Sony.note 
    Yahtzee: The majority of this video was created before Sony pulled that stunt last week with the mandating Playstation account linking to play Helldivers 2. Since the matter warrants mentioning, it will be addressed in a short addendum at the end of this review. Thank you.
  • In a surprise to even himself, Yahtzee is actually rather approving of Helldivers 2, in large part because it makes no pretense about your individual contributions being meaningless or that the game isn't a grindy shooter. Not that he's going to treat it better than he would any other grindy shooter.
    Yahtzee: Feels weird to say, but I guess my tolerance for live service grinds increases when I feel like the story isn't bullshitting me. Thanks Helldivers 2! In return I won't bullshit you. I'm gonna play your Skinner box grindathon gameplay with a podcast on to keep my brain alive, please extend my apologies to your music composers and voice actors who spent all that time in the studio trying to convincingly scream like they're getting impaled on a pedipalp. Pedipaled, perhaps.
  • Yahtzee's Running Gag of constantly shooting editor-in-chief Nick Calandra in the face purely For the Evulz.
    Yahtzee: That's how you get me to play a live service shooter these days: one, for charity; two, let me do it with my mates so if the stress gets too much I can shoot Nick in the face a few times. (Yahtzee's avatar casually blasts Nick's avatar point-blank with an assault rifle)
    • Later on:
      Yahtzee: ... the other thing to be said for playing with friends is that your friends actually talk to you, saying things like 'enemies to the west' and 'please stop shooting Nick in the face.' (Nick's avatar is cross and demanding an apology while Yahtzee tries to win him back with flowers—the moment the rest of the team turns around, Nick is dead again and Yahtzee is suspiciously holding a rifle.)
    • And third time's the charm:
      Yahtzee: I doubt I'll play any more Helldivers 2 in my spare time but dammit if I don't appreciate the tightness of its design and degree of immersion storytelling that conveys it intended themes through gameplay, namely that human beings suck ass, massacring aliens in their own environment is stupid and hard, and Nick's face makes very amusing noises when shot.
      Nick: Okay, let's proceed to the sub objective— (*PLONCH*)
  • As promised, at the end of the video, Yahtzee obliterates any praise given with the addendum, which is simply a blistering "SHAME THEY FUCKED IT UP!!!"
    • And then Yahtzee has to put in a second addendum during the credits, acknowledging the back-track by Sony, but leaving the original in because it's funny. He then starts rambling on about the Patreon and leaving a like on the video.
      Stinger: Blimey is he still talking


    The Rise and Fall of Video Game Titles 

    The Importance of a Good Monster Introduction 
