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The series

  • Black Yoshi saving Mario from zombie Peach by blowing her brains out and then telling Bowser that it is now his turn to die as Black Yoshi is prepared to put a bullet into Bowser's skull
  • Chef Pee Pee getting the last laugh on Bowser in "Black Yoshi's Koolaid."
  • Any time David Winkle gets arrested.
  • Shrek putting Junior and especially Jeffy in their place in "Shrek The Babysitter!". After discovering that they had been eating his cheesecake, Shrek did to them what they did to him earlier: locking them up in the bathroom! For a bonus, the toilet's clogged up.
  • "Turkey Tyranny!":
    • Brooklyn T. Guy and his assistant, Simmons, destroying Chef Pee Pee's turkey.
    • Mario and the company saving Thanksgiving (and the world, don't ask) by getting a new turkey and knocking out Brooklyn T. Guy. Twice.
  • The entirety of "Bowser Junior's Nerf War!".
  • Any time Mario's attempts to punish Jeffy end in Mario's favor. Such examples include:
    • "Turkey Tyranny!", wherein Mario gives Jeffy a timeout for the rest of the episode as punishment for throwing his dinner plate. He even downright says "it's what the fans want".
    • "First Day of School!", wherein Mario tells Jeffy he isn't allowed to watch TV when they get home as punishment for his bad behavior in school, and later gives Jeffy a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown when Jeffy swears at him twice.
    • "Happy Merry Christmas!", wherein Mario locks Jeffy in the closet for the rest of the episode as punishment for trashing the living room and lying to him about being a good boy. He also organizes all of the LEGO and Thomas & Friends toys into a pile for Bowser Junior and refuses to give any to Jeffy.
    • "Jeffy's Tantrum!", wherein Jeffy throws a couch and a big-screen TV set down the balcony when Mario refuses to buy Jeffy a Spongebob Squarepants game on the App store with his credit card. Mario retaliates by hitting Jeffy with a belt, which puts Jeffy into a two-week depression that leads him to try to hang himself. This depression ends when Junior gives him a $10.00 iTunes gift card, but by this time, Mario has already sold Jeffy's iPad to pay for a new couch to replace the one that Jeffy threw down the balcony.
    • "The Golden Egg!", wherein not just Mario, but Bowser Junior, Brooklyn T. Guy, Chef Pee Pee, Joseph, Cody, Shrek, Black Yoshi, and Bowser all give Jeffy a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown for wasting the Golden Egg's one wish to find the Golden Egg he already had.
  • Brooklyn T. Guy, thanks to Mario, arresting Nancy, Jeffy's extremely abusive mother.
  • In "Bowser Junior Kinda Goes Camping!", Junior, who is fed up with his friends' constant complaining, doesn't let them into the house when they ask to come back inside and shuts the door on them.
  • Junior killing a Russian spy with a gun pen in "The Mystery Safe!".
  • In "Jeffy's Piggy Bank!", Mario gets Jeffy his own piggy bank, only for Goodman to tell him that he owes him $500 by midnight or else he will take all of Mario's possessions, including Rosalina. After Mario fails to ask Rosalina, he tries to ask Black Yoshi, who tells Mario to steal the money. Mario eventually decides to steal $500 from Jeffy while he is asleep and pays Goodman the money, only for Jeffy to undergo a swearing rage over his $500 being lost. Brooklyn T. Guy then shows up and announces a poll on how to torture the suspect, not to mention he also finds Mario's hat after Mario loses it earlier. Rosalina eventually decides to sell some things for $500, saving Mario's life from getting run over by a steamroller (actually getting slowly pushed into a wood chipper), and when Mario goes to give Jeffy back the money, a thief appears wearing Mario's hat and he claims the M stands for money thief, thus leading Mario and Jeffy to beat him up and get him arrested.
  • Five words: THE RETURN OF MAMA LUIGI!!
  • Jeffy finally eating his green beans in Jeffy and the Beanstalk.
  • Chef Pee Pee winning the Golden Spoon competition in "The Bet!", even after it turned out that the competition was rigged by The Loan Dolphin.
    • Goodman suing Walmart after slipping over a puddle of water...on purpose! It didn't help that there was no "wet floor" sign near the puddle of water.
  • Dewy Donedidit firing Rosalina can be seen as karma for everyone that hates her.
  • In "Bowser Junior's Summer School 7", Junior manages to kill the fly and therefore pass summer school.
  • Bowser grabbing Chef Pee Pee by the neck and proving that he hasn't lost his Super-Strength.
    Bowser: LISTEN, PEE PEE! I'm a grown ass man, you got that?! I don't have to take care of my son if, I don't want to! Oh, I could snap your neck right now. Like. A. DAMN. TWIG, IF YOU WEREN'T SO SEXY!!
  • Brooklyn T. Guy's rant on YouTube demonetizing their videos and how stupid they are to age-restrict videos involving even medicine.
  • "Jeffy Plays Minecraft!" is one, big rant on the situation regarding Logan's videos being wrongfully associated with the Elsagate controversy, and as a result, getting flagged and age restricted to the point that the channel could be shut down any day. The video also serves as a massive Take That! towards modern Moral Guardians who refuse to admit their failures at parenting and instead pin it on the creators for making the offending content in the first place just so they can keep their inflated egos intact.
  • Jeffy giving away his bike to a homeless guy in "Jeffy's Bike!".
  • In "Jeffy Plays Baseball!", Mario giving Goodman the long-deserved "Reason You Suck" Speech for all the abuse Goodman has given him, as well as Jeffy hit Goodman over the head with his baseball bat, can be seen as a relief to people disliking the newer Goodman.
    Mario: You know what, Goodman, you are the meanest person ever. And you know what? You deserve to be paralyzed from the neck down, because you're mean, you're greedy and this is karma for everything you've ever done to everybody else in the world!
    Goodman: You take that back right now, Mario!
    Mario: No, no no, no! You deserve all this to happen to you, Goodman! You really do deserve it! And you know what?! I'm not making the house payment this month! I'm not making a house payment ever again, because you're paralyzed so you can't make me!
    Mario: No, I don't! And you know what?! I'm gonna drive your Lamborghini, because you're paralyzed from the neck down, so you can't stop me!
  • Near the end of "Black Yoshi's Call of Duty Loan!", as retribution for Black Yoshi not paying back his $200.00 loan, Brooklyn T. Guy confiscates Black Yoshi's Xbox One and sells it on Craigslist. Mario then ships Black Yoshi to India, where Black Yoshi ends up getting chased by a tiger. Both of these can be seen as well-deserved Laser-Guided Karma to Black Yoshi for all the bad things he did to Mario in the past and got off scot-free for.
  • In "The Asteroid!", Woody (who makes yet another comeback having not been seen since "Attack of the Killer Shrimp!" over a year prior) goes into space to stop a giant shrimp heading towards Earth by eating his way to center of the shrimp and inserting a bomb irrespective of the possibility that he'd get killed in the process. Luckily, he survives.
  • Brooklyn T. Guy getting beaten up by Jackie Chu's class when they mistake him for a serial killer due to him not putting on his police uniform before going there to arrest Black Yoshi, and coming to the school with a gun. This is very cathartic, as it could be considered payback for what he did to Mario and Jeffy in "Jeffy's Birthday Surprise" (stealing Jeffy's birthday wish, cake, and presents when Mario didn't give him a birthday party) and "Jeffy's Driver's License" (allowing Goodman to launch Mario's driver's license into the sun in retaliation for a very minor accident after he bribed him, and failing Jeffy on his driving test because the Happy Meal he demanded Jeffy bought him didn't have a toy in it.)
  • Cody's wish to turn everyone gay gets undone in "The Lamp!" despite his objections. Considering Cody's a Dirty Kid who had developed negative tendencies by then, this is indeed Laser-Guided Karma.
    • Cody constantly getting frustrated at being proven that Junior's penny was truly lucky in "Bowser Junior's Lucky Penny!" is especially satisfying since all Cody can do is come up with excuses.
  • Jeffy beating up a criminal and rescuing Officer Brooklyn T. Guy in "Officer Jeffy!"
  • Mario paying his house payment on time for the first time in "Jeffy's Commercial!", thanks in part to Jeffy's merchandise sales.
  • In "Jeffy's Broken Toy!", you think that Mario would cave in and buy Jeffy an "unbreakable" Hulk toy after being scammed into buying the Spider-Man toy, but no such thing happens. Instead, Mario tells him no. What makes this moment even more satisfying is that Mario isn't stupid enough to fall for the same trick twice, and nobody annoys him, guilt-trips him, challenges his decision, or makes Mario out to be the bad guy just because he said "no" to his adopted child. With that said, this occurred at the very end of the episode, so it's likely if they had more time, those things would've occurred because "plot reasons". But they didn't, so Mario's say is final.
  • In "The Candy Salesmen!", Junior manages to fool Jackie Chu out of giving back their prizes through a box full of bricks (long story).
  • In a fashion similar to "Jeffy's Broken Toy!", the ending to "Mr. Goodman's Egg!" is one for Mario. Goodman forced Mario to watch over a billion-dollar dodo bird egg throughout the video, only to reveal when he comes back that he was pranking Mario with a regular egg. He then asks Mario to sit on a dinosaur egg, to which Mario screams, "NO!" and runs off, ending the episode. Not only does Mario get the last word, but it's against Goodman for once.
  • "Jeffy Ball Z" is an Affectionate Parody of, well, Dragon Ball Z that constantly mixes with funny and awesome.
    • Hell, DevilArtemis commented on it!
  • Chef Pee Pee's rant against everyone in "Chef Pee Pee's Lottery Ticket". Even if he doesn't win in the end, it's still satisfying and cathartic to see him bite back in this way.
  • In "Jeffy's 18th Birthday", Jeffy finally kills Nancy by shooting her with her gun. Not bad for one of the dumbest characters on SML.
    • The fact that the video itself is actually The SML Movie (as implied by Logan's brother Lance in the BTS for the video) is a huge crowner of awesome, knowing that it has been under Development Hell for 6 years.
  • Seeing Bowser as a football player in "Bowser Junior's Big Spill!" can be described in one word: badass. Special mention goes to this line of his:
  • Penelope getting back at Bully in "The Bully Solution" with one very simple comeback:
    • Special mention needs to go to Brooklyn Guy, who set up Loan Dolphin with Bully's mom to actually make it true for Penelope to use. He's really learning how to be a dad!
    • Credit also needs to be given to Loan Dolphin for actually going along with the plan despite it not being his thing.
  • "Cody Works At Red Lobster!":
  • "Five Nights at Freddy's!" series:
    • The first part where Freddy Fazbear was about to attack them after Jeffy and Brooklyn Guy ran out of power, Jeffy and Brooklyn Guy proceeds to gang up and beat up Freddy Fazbear.
    • Foxy the Pirate Fox beating up The Puppet in the second part and David Wrinkle in the third part.
  • Part 5 of Jeffy Ball Z gives us a surprise return from Shrek of all people, and he's the first amongst the SML cast that hasn't been converted to an Expy!
  • "Jeffy Gets Framed!" shows Jeffy's true potential as a Magnificent Bastard.
    • He predates his revenge by giving Junior, Joseph and Cody an ultimatum to tell the truth about who broke the vase or else he will ruin their lives. When they naturally refuse, Jeffy tells this.
    Jeffy: So you've chosen death… I hope you guys enjoy it.
    • Jeffy starts the show by stealing Ken, leaving a note saying that the trio need to tell the truth if Cody wants to see Ken again, then he sends a package, which, in a nod to Se7en, contains Ken's severed head inside it. Once the initial panic passes, Jeffy tricks Cody's parents, Judy and Tyrone, into thinking that Cody ate a Baconator, which causes them to take Cody back home for a "spankanator".
    • As for Joseph, Jeffy pays Brooklyn T. Guy one hundred dollars to pretend to be Joseph's mom wanting to reunite with Joseph, only for Jeffy to shoot "her" down, traumatizing Joseph in the process.
    • And then finally, for Junior himself, Jeffy pays Chef Pee Pee also a hundred dollars to help him trick Junior into thinking that he killed Chef Pee Pee and turned him into soup. This psychologically breaks Junior so badly that it finally pushes him to tell the truth to Marvin and Rose.
  • Jeffy The Lawyer! is another example of Jeffy being a cunning mastermind, mainly the segment where Brooklyn T. Guy is filing a restraining order against his brother Johnathan, who is Jeffy's client, by summoning Brooklyn T. Guy's imaginary friend Booger, who he uses to out Brooklyn T. Guy as being mentally unstable, causing Brooklyn Guy to not only lose the case, but also get sent to a mental health facility, scoring a huge victory for both Jeffy and Johnathan.
  • "Shrek's Endless Cheesecake!", in addition to being the first Shrek-centered videos in years, ends on one final long-awaited return:
    Woody: CHEWY BOY!
