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Elmo3000 Since: Jul, 2013
08/26/2018 06:52:19 •••

A Much-Needed Rereview

I reviewed Baby Driver this year, a film I enjoyed; particularly the acting of Kevin Spacey, especially his chemistry with the young male lead, as he flawlessly switches from almost-paternal love to thinly-veiled threats and back. And if, after certain revelations, this strikes you as an uncomfortable way to put things, that's how I feel about a 2013 review I wrote of PewDiePie in which I defend his more offensive humour and repeatedly say he's not that bad.

I'll leave it up because it is genuinely how 2013 Me saw 2013 PewDiePie, but I really need to clarify why I no longer agree with this. And the biggest reason is the most obvious; PewDiePie doesn't want to be as famous as he is. Specifically, he doesn't want the accountability that comes with being as famous as he is.

PewDiePie got famous for playing horror games and reacting naturally by screaming and going on fear-fuelled gibberish tangents because they genuinely entertained people, and there's nothing wrong with that. Okay, the rape jokes - there was something wrong with that - but it's remarkable to see the difference in his reaction. Three and a half years ago, he listened to negative feedback, apologized, and vowed to stop making them. Now... oh boy.

PewDiePie VS 'The Media' has always been interesting, and to be fair, it did begin with some media outlets legitimately treating very silly statements he made as if they were serious, which was wrong, and great news for Pewds. He absolutely had the moral high ground; as long as he didn't do anything stupid, like, I don't know, finding a service that lets you pay people in third-world countries to hold up signs with your choice of text, and for a wacky joke, deciding to pay them to display 'Death To All Jews' or something.

But by the time this happened, PewDiePie wasn't just another guy on YouTube. He was the guy on YouTube. 53 million subscribers, now 58. And he responded to criticism by attempting to bait the media into taking another of his videos 'out of context', as he called it, and dressing up as a Nazi and playing one of Hitler's speeches, it having never occurred to him that responding to accusations of anti-semitism by dressing up as a Nazi might possibly be a bad idea. But his popularity is now self-sustaining. Some fans will never leave him. Someone put 'dressing up as a Nazi' on his 'Awesome Moments' page.

With his charity work, donation drives, and the awareness he's raised about disaster relief efforts, I don't think he's malicious. He's just really bad at being the face of the most popular website in the world. When he haphazardly says the N-word on a livestream, he is affecting everyone who has a career on YouTube with his reckless actions. I don't know where he goes from here, but I sincerely hope that he finds a way to go back to making content he enjoys, for people who enjoy it, that doesn't involve dressing like a Nazi.

Bastard1 Since: Nov, 2010
12/30/2017 00:00:00

There's nothing "natural" about braindeadpie's over-the-top, staged reactions. He's just a cynical businessman jingling keys.

Anyways, this reduxview doesn't really feel any less unduly "protective" of the subject matter in question than the older one. The degree of seriousness of his remarks is immaterial; they nevertheless reflect his "character" (a term I'm forced to use for the sake of argument).

When you amass an audience level such as his the tradeoff is more scrutiny and responsibility than others. If he's not mature or a decent enough person (he's not, btw) to repress urges to make insensitive remarks to an audience of millions (again, this shouldn't be hard to do because basic human decency y'all), he should be punished accordingly.

Doesn't he have enough brainwashed preteens rushing to his defense despite being (at least biologically) an adult beholden to their own actions?

NordRonnoc Since: Oct, 2010
MisterTambourineMan Since: Jun, 2017
08/26/2018 00:00:00

Frankly, I don't think all the controversy he's created was a miscalculation. He could've come up with any number of things to pay those guys to do, and he goes with something where the only joke is anti-semitism? Then he baits people again and acts like a victim when they criticize him for it, because when you do something ironically you're beyond reproach for it. I'm sure the controversy got him plenty of attention and even more viewers, though.

Nach jeder Ebbe kommt die Flut.

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