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Reviews VideoGame / ARK Survival Evolved

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MagnusForce Oddball Nerd (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
Oddball Nerd
07/13/2015 21:46:40 •••

A flawed game with great potential

edit: I hate this review, so I've completely redone it.

ARK: Survival Evolved is easy to get attracted to based on its very basic premise - Dinosaurs! It is great fun, but I would not recommend this game for everybody. Here's the rundown of the good, the bad, and the basics.

First, the basics! So, ARK is about the player waking up on a mysterious island full of prehistoric creatures and having to survive. It's got sandbox elements, FPS elements, survival elements (duh), and a few RG elements. The game's primeval wildlife can be your allies and enemies. There is multiplayer and singleplayer. In the former, you'll need to be part of a team to survive while the latter will have the player rely heavily on their carefully made choices like what they choose to level up and research, as well as the dinos they tame. The dinos will allow the player to fight back better, amass more resources, travel further, and provide various utilities.

Okay, now that the basics are covered, let's look at the rest . The game's amazing to look at, BUT one will need an extremely high quality computer to get the best out of the graphics. The ever-industrious developers are working on making it more user-friendly, but they're seriously behind schedule (Scheduled for summer of 2016, still in Alpha with half of the content still unfinished). As for gameplay, ARK can get very grindy in taming and resources as those tasks can take hours to complete at times. I would recommend searching for a server with high collection and taming time settings or adjusting them yourself on singleplayer for those with little playtime. Avoid official servers though! They are often dominated by so-called alpha tribes - quasi-dictator groups that make sure they never lose their grip on power through ruthless crushing and raiding. PvE or a personally-adjusted singleplayer is best for beginners. I'd recommend playing with friends too in multiplayer as it enhances the experience greatly. Balance is also a little bit of a mess right now (like this review) as some of the dinos are kinda overpowered (Giganotosaurus, Quetzalcoatlus) in pubs, but the devs are working on it too!

Basically, I would recommend ARK to anybody who loves dinosaurs and prehistoric critters (unless you're one of them "muh feathers, pronated hands, etc."-type paleonerds, then don't get it because you'll hate it with passion) and is also a gamer with plenty of time on their hands. But be warned, it's very difficult to fully get into as the game is very unforgiving and it is still in development stages, so expect a number of issues while playing it. Still, the devs are tireless in their efforts, but it'll be a looong time before ARK is ready for full release (Hey, it's doing better than Day Z and The Stomping Land!).

Sorry for the messy review. I rewrote this in a hurry to get rid of the crappy old one and ran out of characters.

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