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DrMcWeazel He Who Rambles Nonsense Since: May, 2012
He Who Rambles Nonsense
03/12/2015 05:09:05 •••

Destiny: Enjoy game at own risk

Maybe it's just me, but I didn't go into the game expecting some super duper amazing MMO that would put Guild Wars to shame. This is Bungie's first foray into the genre, after all. I was expecting a solid FPS experience that I could play with almost any number of my buddies, and that's what Bungie delivered. Maybe that's why I've enjoyed the game so much. Maybe it's just because I'm the sort that would enjoy it. Maybe I'm just a Bungie fanboy and I don't know it. Whatever the reason, I've had fun with it.

Now, let's be straight here: When it comes to story, Destiny is extremely lacking. When it comes to being a grindfest, it's apparently just fine. When it comes to patches, Bungie really seems to know exactly how to irk the players- fixing bugs that allow the fight to go easier while leaving in the ones that make it more difficult (looking at you, raid bosses). Fun, right?

Surprisingly, yes. In spite of all it's flaws, I can't seem to stop playing the game except to get up and go to elsewhere in the morning. If it can draw you in at all, it does so with zeal and simply does not let go. It's not hard to find somebody on Bungie's own forums who's played over a thousand hours since launch day, and those who've played hundreds of hours are not few in number.

However, this may be something of a double edged sword. While this is certainly indicative of people having an awful lot of fun with the game, it may also be the reason why so many people complain about so much- namely things getting repetitive, the lack of exposition and character development, the lackluster loot mechanics ("Why haven't I gotten Gjallarhorn/Vex Mythoclast/Ice Breaker/[insert exotic here] yet?! I've played for [X] hours, but my buddy has only played [Y] hours and got [Z] of them!" being an exceedingly common complaint), etc.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed my experience, and I would urge anybody who reads this to pick up the game, but IF and ONLY IF you have a lot of free time (or if you have oodles more self control than I do). If you don't, it'll start eating into other activities- perhaps the most glaring flaw is that it takes up so much of my day before I get to playing or doing something else. Once again, enjoy the game at your own risk.

DrMcWeazel Since: May, 2012
03/12/2015 00:00:00

Also, fuck the Grimoire entries. Their certainly interesting, but the problem is that they tell the story and show us the consequences of our actions, not the game. Very irksome.


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