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Reviews VideoGame / Amnesia A Machine For Pigs

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sL360 Since: Mar, 2014
07/28/2014 03:50:16 •••

Can't believe it's called a sequel

It's not even Amnesia anymore. The gameplay was gutted. You don't need to worry about light. No lamp oil, no tinderboxes. Not even the Sanity Meter! I can't even begin to comprehend why they decided to take that out...probably one of the biggest things that helped Amnesia really stand out.

Facing monsters isn't scary; you "regen" health if you're hit, and if you ARE hit, it's a miracle. Your electric lamp that NEVER runs out of power flickers conveniently when you face a monster. Hell I walked in front of one, got hit, then instead of dying, I was TAKEN TO A CAGE WITH AN OPEN DOOR TO RETRY THE AREA. Are you SHITTING me? I don't even die? Where's the goddamn tension?!

It simply doesn't exist. I quit the game before I even got to finish the whole thing. The story was still pretty gross like Amnesia loves it, but that's not really why I played it in the first place. Egh...I guess if you...I dunno, got a fetish for being hit by man-pig things and solving little physical puzzles you'll feel all good inside, then what the hell. Knock yourself out.

Pannic Since: Jul, 2009
03/28/2014 00:00:00

Hell I walked in front of one, got hit, then instead of dying, I was TAKEN TO A CAGE WITH AN OPEN DOOR TO RETRY THE AREA. Are you SHITTING me? I don't even die? Where's the goddamn tension?!

But there wasn't a penalty for dying in the original game. You just got sent back to the previous checkpoints and got to proceed as if nothing happened at all.

In all honesty, for all people complain about the monsters in the sequel as not being as good as those in the original, at least with the monsters this one tried to be a game. In the original, the monsters were almost all completely scripted; solve a puzzle, monster shows up, hide in a corner, wait for the monster to respawn. At least with AMFP, you have to actually make an effort to avoid the monsters.

Fanfiction I hate.
fenrisulfur Since: Nov, 2010
03/28/2014 00:00:00

I didn't actually need to make a real effort to avoid the monsters. I spent the last section of the game just running in as strait a path I could to get to the end and the monsters maybe slowed me down once and I died once. Not sure if that's level design, puzzles or a monster problem. I could just outrun most problems in my game.

illegitematus non carborundum est
Pannic Since: Jul, 2009
03/28/2014 00:00:00

If you're referring the part where you're up on the streets of London, that was very deliberate design.

Fanfiction I hate.
fenrisulfur Since: Nov, 2010
03/29/2014 00:00:00

I was referring to the section when you return to the machine, post London section.

illegitematus non carborundum est
sL360 Since: Mar, 2014
04/02/2014 00:00:00

Not dying was like icing on the cake. It didn't matter to me about the checkpoints or whatever. I just didn't feel like I had a reason to try to avoid "dying".

On a game like this, I just let go and forget the fact that if I DO die, I go back to a checkpoint. Restarting from a black screen gives it the impression that you can and WILL die if you fuck up. Instead, I just 'wake' up like nothing happened. In the original I felt challenged to finish the rest of the game and survive. I simply didn't here.

Ah, but still. That isn't even a big reason why I stopped playing. I just wish they'd kept the whole Sanity thing, with the inventory. If they did, I'm sure this whole death thing would've been a minor footnote.

Smoko Since: Jul, 2013
07/28/2014 00:00:00

It would be even more unrealistic if they'd left the Sanity Meter in. What would drain his sanity? Daniel goes mad because he has near-crippling phobia of the dark, the monsters are specifically designed to be horrifying, and he's psychologically very unstable. None of these apply to Mandus. He isn't scared of the dark, his monsters are his own creations that he at one point calls his new children, the Shadow isn't around, and almost every single area was designed and built by him. While he too has some horrifying memories, he seems to be more stable than Daniel and learning about them actually seems to harden his resolve. What could frighten Mandus enough to drive him insane? Same goes with the Lantern. Electric lanterns take a very long time to burn out and they don't need to be refilled every five minutes. Would be very unrealistic and out-of-place for Mandus to be relying on an oil lantern.

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