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Reviews VideoGame / The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind

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BeerBaron Since: Mar, 2012
04/19/2016 05:03:47 •••

The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind - My Favorite Game of All Time

Morrowind is, without a doubt, my favorite game of all time. It was my introduction to both PC Gaming and Western RPGs in general. I had previously played the Playstation One generation Final Fantasy games as well as the early games in the Pokémon series, both of which I enjoyed highly and still enjoy to this day. However, the sheer freedom Morrowind allowed me in comparison blew those games out of the water, cementing it as the top game on my list.

In addition to the freedom, Morrowind provided me the other elements I love in a video game: high levels of character customization, a deep and intriguing story (and backstory,) and (by 2002 standards at least) amazing graphics. I also find the sheer number of side quests a major positive factor for the game, with 10 Guilds and Factions each having their own quest lines as well as countless other random side quests available to anyone.

I've since played each of the other games in the Elder Scrolls series, but for me, none could compare to the awe I felt each time I played Morrowind. To this day, even having spent over a thousand hours in the game world, I always find something new each time I play.

The game is, of course, not without it's flaws, as its detractors will point out at every opportunity. Some of the complaints are justified, of course, such as the "wax museum" feel of the NPCs, the slow pace at which you move, the (by modern standards) dated graphics/lack of physics, and the repetitive nature of non-magical fights. But I personally feel that, if given a chance, the pros of the game greatly outweigh the cons to an open minded gamer.

I highly recommend that anyone with an interest in fantasy games give Morrowind a try. Nowadays, it's readily available over Steam for a low price, and virtually any modern PC will be able to play it. Throw in the two expansion packs and tens of thousands of mods available online which range from simple fixes to complete overhauls, and you'll have at least 100 hours of game play to enjoy.

methodoverload Since: Feb, 2014
06/02/2014 00:00:00

You have to give it a lot of chances, mod it to hell (though thankfully the Morrowind Overhaul Project does most of the work,) and on several occasions consult the wiki to find things because of bad or misleading or poorly written directions.

100 hours of gameplay? Yes because of all the infuriating chores and filler.

methodoverload Since: Feb, 2014
06/02/2014 00:00:00

Not to say there's not good stuff in there. It has a warty charm, a truly alien landscape with flora and fauna to complement and a quirky sense of humor such as could only be found in such games back before they were so concerned with being mainstream. But its kind of like being told there's an Xbox One AND PS 4 in their original packaging in the bottom of a dumpster full of rotten leftovers behind a restaurant.

supergod Since: Jun, 2012
04/19/2016 00:00:00

"You have to give it a lot of chances, mod it to hell (though thankfully the Morrowind Overhaul Project does most of the work,) and on several occasions consult the wiki to find things because of bad or misleading or poorly written directions."

You may have to, but you shouldn't assume that everyone's looking for the same sort of things in an RPG that you do. Keep in mind that there's still a market for games like The Legend Of Grimrock and older games like Ultima Underworld are getting new releases.

For we shall slay evil with logic...

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