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YMMV / Zombie Exodus

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  • Lost in Medias Res: The game begins with the protagonist in a shack with zombies close to breaking in, with the protagonist reflecting on how they got to that point. Though the player can find themselves at the shack, it is entirely optional and skippable which may lead to players believing this is the case. Word of God says that the author just wrote it to hook the reader in.
  • That One Level: The fuel run mission, good Lord. You're sent alone to a ship full of zombies to try and bring some fuel back to the Cathedral, with a time limit of six hours to do so. And yes, there is an actual counter running—if you go over the limit, the guy who brought you there leaves and, well, you can probably guess what happens. That alone would be bad, but it is incredibly easy to screw up and die, particularly near the end of the mission, where you have to handle a Zerg Rush of zombies (again, alone). This sole mission is usually the cause of more deaths than the rest of the game put together.
  • The Woobie: Emma.
