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YMMV / Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys

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  • Complete Monster:
    • Garuda, a mysterious member of the Clan of Darkness, is the true mastermind behind every misfortune in the game. Tempting the Winged One Eldeel into becoming corrupted by the power of the Black Pearl, Garuda uses Eldeel as his figurehead as he works towards finding the Golden City and the treasures within. Along the way, Garuda has countless innocents painfully transmuted into monsters by his subordinate and takes Adol's friend Leeza hostage for a trade—before attempting, for no other reason than his amusement to brutally kill Leeza anyways after Adol gives Garuda what he wants. At the game's end, Garuda backstabs and murders Eldeel and reveals his true goal; to summon the first leader of the Clan of Darkness, Arem, and plunge the entire world into the flames of Hell to burn for all eternity.
    • Arem, the Lord of Slaughter, is a mad tyrant who once plagued the lands of Celceta with destruction and darkness as he lived up to his sobriquet by butchering countless people and laying waste to the kingdom. Though sealed away for centuries, Arem returns by way of his Dragon, Garuda, who commits numerous atrocities to free Arem. Once released, Arem proclaims his plans to turn the world of Ys into a living Hell where he will torture and burn every last man, woman, and child for all eternity, and, even when beaten, Arem tries to drag Adol down into Hell with him after absorbing the souls of his own followers.
  • Improved Second Attempt: Although Falcom has declared this game to be non-canon, this game is near-universally considered to be superior to Mask of the Sun, the canonical Ys IV.
