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YMMV / Yes, Your Grace

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  • Esoteric Happy Ending: Even among those who otherwise like the game, several players consider that Asalia's possible fates could have been handled better. The fact that her good ending consists of running off with Maya with Eryk's blessing is undermined by the fact that they are both girls barely entering puberty living on their own and Asalia has been training with weapons for less than a year. On top of this, the only thing that makes that ending better than the bad one in which exactly the same thing happens without Eryk's permission is that Eryk gets letters from Asalia and knows she's okay. In other words, even the good ending has Asalia never visit the castle again in Eryk's lifetime.
  • Moment of Awesome: If no allies are made in Act 3, but defenses are otherwise decent, Eryk will win the final siege anyway.
  • Player Punch: The game sure loves pulling those on the player:
    • Lorsulia's death and the Domestic Abuse leading up to it has left many players wishing it wasn't a mandatory part of the plot.
    • Discovering that the Radovians under Beyran's command didn't want to fight and aren't the people looting villages can lead to the realization that many people were killed for no good reason.
    • The game isn't tender with some of the deaths the player can prevent, either. Refusing to let refugee peasants into the castle during the final siege will result in their decapitated heads being used as catapult ammo by the enemy.
