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YMMV / Wizards of the Lost Kingdom

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  • Follow the Leader:
  • Padding: By design, as the footage filmed exclusively for this film only came out to about 58 minutes of useable footage. Corman's answer? Cut in a bunch of Stock Footage to fill out the remaining 20 minutes!
  • Recycled Set: The castle may look familiar to those who have seen Deathstalker. Indeed, Word of God says that the castle set was created for the first Deathstalker movie and was last used for filming Deathstalker II: Duel of the Titans.
  • Values Dissonance: Word of warning: there are several times across both this movie and it's sequel where a grown woman attempts to seduce the borderline-prepubescent protagonist. All of said women are villains, nothing ever comes of the attempts, and everything's kept PG, but it's still somewhat more unnerving than the writers likely intended.
