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YMMV / Wish Upon a Star

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  • Designated Hero:Alexia doesn't come across as the most likable. She takes forever to get ready, causing her sister to be late a number of times. She has no desire to hang out with her sister, which upsets her mother. She calls her parents by their first and last names even though they have expressed their distaste of it. Alexia treats Kyle like garbage (and doesn't really seem to like him that much, as evidenced by their make out session where she looks bored), dumping him because she has a '3 month max' on dating guys so she can have experiences with different men. She's rude to Simon, their new neighbor who takes his welcoming tray of cookies and then slams the door in his face. She makes other students give her back massages in class and in Hayley's body seems particularly more aggressive towards her sister. Some of this could be attributed to the jealousy she has towards her sister. The rest however? For Kyle, see Why Would Anyone Take Her Back?
  • Heartwarming Moments: When the girls finally do get along and have a sleepover outside. Also, the end at the dance when Alexia gives her crown to Hayley.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Switching bodies with your sister is bad enough. Watching your sister whose never had a boyfriend flirt with and have him fall in love with her has to be doubly upsetting. Even though Alexia is kind of a Jerkass, it's totally understandable that she doesn't want her sister to experience her life, especially losing her virginity for her. Let's just hope Kyle felt the same way about Alexia after the girls switched back.
  • Squick: Hayley and her gum. She will literally put it anywhere.
  • Tear Jerker: At the school dance, Alexia gives her crown to Hayley. They stare lovingly at each other while dancing with their respective boyfriends. Endearing is an understatement.
