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YMMV / Winnie The Pooh: A Valentine For You

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  • It's the Same, Now It Sucks!: Some fans don’t hold the special in high regard due to it coming across as a rehash of Pooh’s Grand Adventure; the premise is the cast being afraid of losing Christopher Robin to growing up, going on an adventure in the Great Unknown after a misunderstanding from Owl regarding a monster, and some of the same imagery, score, and even clips from that movie.
  • Just Here for Godzilla: The special is a rather obscure entry in the franchise, but it is known among fans for having the final performance of Paul Winchell as Tigger.
  • Special Effect Failure: The special has a notably smaller budget than Boo to You Too! Winnie the Pooh, especially in regards to the characters themselves, whose movements are often robotic. Shadows are also rare, and the backgrounds generally don’t have as much detail or lighting.
  • Sweetness Aversion: While Winnie the Pooh has always been fluffy feel-good fare, some argue that this special goes a tad bit too far in the sweet direction. Especially for the ending song.
