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YMMV / What If I Know Too Many Reasons I Can Be Strong?

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  • Nightmare Fuel: Tanjiro coming home to find his entire family having been bloodily murdered is bad in canon. But Tanjiro seeing his entire family getting slaughtered by Muzan right in front of his own eyes and losing his right eye and left arm as a result while being powerless to do anything about it? In the first page alone? That's even worse. It's no wonder why he became an Ax-Crazy jerkass instead of the Nice Guy he was before and in canon.
  • Tear Jerker: Sure, Tanjiro coming home to only find most of his entire family been murdered in canon is bad. But the fact Tanjiro seeing most of them getting killed by Muzan in front of him while losing an eye and an arm and being powerless to do anything to stop the demon in the first page alone is even worse here.
