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YMMV / What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse

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  • Asshole Victim: Although what happens to John Thomas at the end of "Nervous Boys" is terrifying and unpleasant, it's hard to feel sorry for the guy knowing what a creep he was throughout the story.
    • Same goes for Larry E. Godwinson, Esq., from "Ursa Minor," but indisputably worse.
  • Catharsis Factor: The way that Larry Godwinson dies like the coward he is can't ever make up for his crimes, but boy is it satisfying to read.
  • Nausea Fuel: The transformations throughout the story collection are slow, painful, and torturous. Some of the details are, to put it mildly, upsetting to read.
    • The second act of "Rat Prince" manages to combine Facial Horror, Horror Hunger, and The Tooth Hurts in extreme and unsettling ways.
    • The bizarre ways Daniel's body in "How Shadows Taste" begins to mutate as he slowly turns into a ghoul. And then there's those last few pages...
    • Although strictly more horror-based, the descriptions of what's on the infamous videotape in "Moonlight Films" is jarringly gruesome.
