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YMMV / WWE Brawl for All

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  • Audience-Alienating Premise: The entire concept of Brawl For All — pitting several wrestlers into no-holds-barred boxing matches — is something that was seemingly propelled by an initial thought with zero follow-up on exactly how sound it would be. "We want wrestling!" fan chants were immediate, and it was clear that pretty much all the participants did not know how to box, making the whole thing massively dangerous, exposing of how fake actual professional wrestling is, and just plain goofy and annoying to watch. There's also the Open Secret that the entire thing was designed to get over several important talent — namely "Dr. Death" Steve Williams — and the fact most of them got injured very quickly (including Williams) only added more animosity to the experience as a bad concept that quickly derailed into something where nobody won.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: While the Williams and Austin feud never panned out, Doc & Austin actually had been in the ring together before. They teamed up at the 1992 edition of WCW Halloween Havoc to challenge for the Unified Tag Team titles held by Barry Windham and "the Natural" Dustin Rhodes note 
  • Questionable Casting: Pierre Carl Ouelett, who was blind in one eye, was added as part of the Brawl for All. As well as Brakkus who, in Jim Ross's words "had about as much business in the Brawl for All as [he] would."
  • X-Pac Heat: The Brawl for All was this from the start, with the fans chanting "Boring" and "We Want Wrestling." While this was seemingly reversed due to Bart Gunn legitimately knocking out his opponents gaining attention, most agree that it was simply a terrible idea.
